Professor Neil Ferguson, the discredited Imperial College computer modeller behind Britain’s draconian lockdown policies, has come clean about his inspiration: none of it would have been possible without the shining example of the Chinese Communist Party.
20 MINUTES OF CLARITY ON COVID VACCINE — THE BIGGEST EXPERIMENT EVER DONE – Sucharit Bhakdi has published 300+ scientific articles on Immunology, Bacteriology, Virology and Parisitology. He was a professor at the University of Mainz, Germany, where from 1991 to 2012 he was head of the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene. He was Editor in Chief of Medical Microbiology and Immunology from 1990 to 2012.
David Steinman, an American economist nominated for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize, has called for the World Health Organization’s (WHO) director-general, Tedros Ghebreyesus, to be prosecuted for genocide.
U.S. officials said Wednesday 16, December they quarantined several thousand doses of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine in California and Alabama this week after an “anomaly” in the transportation process caused the storage temperature to get too cold.
New research involving scientists from Queen Mary University of London has found evidence of protective immunity in people up to four months after mild or asymptomatic COVID-19.
Listen to what is said about Dr Fauci, you’d think he was some kind of combination of Mother Theresa, Saint Peter, and Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman all rolled up into one. He’s talked about constantly, he’s on TV shows, he has even been made into a Christmas ornament.
In his brief but highly informative video presentation, leading American microbiologist Prof. Vincent R. Racaniello talks about why most viral mutations and ‘variants’ are of very little consequence, and why claims that it is more transmissible are not supported by the real scientific data.
After months of painstaking freedom of information law requests the government of Ireland has finally come clean and admitted that it has no scientific proof that the SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19) exists. Which other nations are going to be next and admit this pandemic was a scam?
In a startling interview with the New York Times, Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the government’s coronavirus taskforce, admitted that he did not level with the American people about how many people would need to be vaccinated in order to achieve herd immunity because he didn’t think the public was ready to hear his true thoughts, which he feared might discourage people from getting vaccinated.
The UK’s largest COVID-19 testing lab has suffered outbreaks in three out of its four scientific testing teams, after what one worker claims were repeated breaches of safety protocols.
Flying under the radar, so to speak, during the media coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic, is the rollout of a hyper-fast speed 5G wireless network. As millions of Americans are suddenly working remotely, it has proven to be a powerful opportunity for regulators to move 5G forward.
Dr. Paul Thomas, M.D. was born in Portland, Oregon, and grew up in Southern Africa. He has a masters degree in biology, an M.D. from Dartmouth Medical School, and completed his pediatric residency at the University of California, San Diego.
According to a new CDC report, almost 3,150 people who were administered the COVID-19 vaccine were paralyzed and were “unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work and required care from doctor or health care professional.”
Across the country hospital administrators are facing unexpected push-back from employees on the issue of the covid vaccine. More and more are refusing to take it, with at least one hospital CEO mentioning “mistrust” and fear. Why?
You probably saw it. A young Tennessee nurse on live TV takes a COVID-19 vaccine shot and passes out within seconds. Thereafter, stories emerged that she had died from complications. Counter stories denounce such ‘fake news’ because the nurse, Tiffany Dover, re-appeared in a brief video at work. Or did she? Now come claims of a stand in ‘body double.’