COVID Britain: The Facts Government Are Concealing
Written by Ross Clark
Written by Ross Clark
Written by Andy Rowlands
On December 28th, the Humans Are Free website published an article that details just how many deaths in the USA can be directly attributed to the virus, and how many are from other causes.
Written by
An interesting article from the American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) is gaining increased attention as questions about asymptomatic spread of COVID-19, the baseline for all COVID mitigation, is being reconciled with the latest tracing data.
Written by Matthew Ehret
India was once known as the Crown jewel of the British Empire before gaining independence in 1946. Sadly, like most of the post WWII history, that leap to independence was tainted by a fair dose of propaganda.
Written by Torsten Engelbrecht & Claus Köhnlein, MD
Apart from that, so-called SARS-CoV-2 tests, whose „positive“ results are being used as the rationale for the lockdowns, are in fact scientifically meaningless. This is illustrated already by the fact that there is not even a valid gold standard for these tests, as for example Australian infectious diseases specialist Sanjaya Senanayake confirmed in an ABC TV interview.
Written by BestEvidence
Written by Marlo Safi
Written by Dr Ron Murtagh. BE(Chem), PhD
Pseudo-scientists estimated our planet’s average surface temperature from the average amount of sunlight energy that it received. Only they got it wrong because the physics is not as basic as they assumed.
Written by Nicola jones
By mid-December, the Northern Hemisphere is usually well into the start of its annual cold and flu season — but so far this year, even as the COVID-19 pandemic surges in dozens of countries, the levels of many common seasonal infections remain extremely low.
Written by Dr Elsa Schieder
It’s early December, 2020. I don’t know anything about Ivermectin. Then there’s a chance remark and an email in my inbox. It’s a miracle drug, I learn. The doctor I’m listening to, Pierre Kory, first presented to a US Senate Committee on May 7th.
Written by Tyler Durden
All is not going according to plan in the global rollout of what is arguably the most important vaccine in a century, and it is not just growing mistrust in the covid injection effort that was rolled out in record time: an unexpected spike in allergic reactions to the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine may prove catastrophic to widespread acceptance unless scientists can figure out what is causing it after the FDA’s rushed approval.
Written by Tyler Durden
Once again, the WHO has stepped in to offer some confusing comments about the coronavirus vaccine, warning that there is “no evidence to be confident shots prevent transmission” and that people who receive the vaccine should continue wearing masks and following all social distancing and travel guidelines.
Written by PSI Editor
In this frank and revealing 50-minute video interview, Principia Scientific International’s CEO, John O’Sullivan talks about his life and decade-long mission to expose scientific fraud in climate science and Big Pharma’s coronavirus scam.
Written by American Friends of Tel Aviv University
Researchers from Tel Aviv University (TAU) have proven that the coronavirus can be killed efficiently, quickly, and cheaply using ultraviolet (UV) light-emitting diodes (UV-LEDs). They believe that the UV-LED technology will soon be available for private and commercial use.
Written by Steve Watson
A radical bill proposed by the French Government that would see unvaccinated people refused basic services such as public transport has been put on ice after a massive backlash.
Written by Jon Rappoport
In a CDC document titled, “Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) 2020 Interim Case Definition, Approved April 5, 2020,” under the section, “Laboratory Criteria,” we have this: [1]
“Detection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 ribonucleic acid (SARS-CoV-2 RNA) in a clinical specimen using a molecular amplification detection test.”
The test referred to is the PCR. And as you can plainly see, it is detecting, not the virus itself, but a piece of RNA.