Official US, EU & UK COVID Vaccines Deaths & Injury Data (June 19, 2021)

Written by Free Your Mind

Here are the latest deaths and injuries from the official data sources following COVID19 injections for Europe, the UK and US up to June 19, 2021.

Europe shows deaths and injuries up to 5 June, 2021: Deaths: 13,867 Injuries: 1,354,366 ….  U.K. up to 9 June, 2021: Deaths: 1,332 Injuries: 949, 286…. U.S. up to 19 June, 2021: Deaths: 5,993 Injuries: 394,525. Deaths & Injuries, Combined total for Europe, U.K. & U.S, up to 19 June, 2021: Deaths: 21,192, Injuries: 2,698,177.

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Germs Debunk Coronavirus Disease Theory Claims (Part 2)

Written by SixthSense

We learned from Louis Pasteur’s own diary, released by Princeton University in 1993, that Pasteur simply cheated when developing his much-lauded Germ Theory. Big Pharma has promoted Germ Theory for over a century to sell their potions, which may have been unnecessary if we adopted a competing theory about disease.

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Convergence: Transhumanism And The Great Reset

Written by Dr Joseph Mercola

The COVID pandemic has ushered in a new era of biodigital convergence — one that’s been in the works for decades but is now accelerating in the name of public health and new normalcy. As I said June 7, 2021, the most freedom in this new era will be awarded to those who are vaccinated.1

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Like all viruses, Covid is here to stay

Written by Andy Rowlands

A few days ago, the Daily Mail reported government advisors had said the UK will have to learn to live with the virus and accept a certain number of deaths. Really? You don’t say. And there was me thinking the wonderful vaccines will totally eradicate it from our shores.

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‘Great Dimming’ of Betelgeuse star solved?

Written by BBC

Astronomers say they’ve put to bed the mystery of why one of the most familiar stars in the night sky suddenly dimmed just over a year ago.Betelgeuse, a red supergiant in the constellation of Orion, abruptly darkened in late 2019, early 2020. The behaviour led many to speculate that it might be about to explode.

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Spike protein is very dangerous, it’s cytotoxic

Written by DarkHorse Podcast Clips

Dr. Robert Malone is the inventor of mRNA Vaccine technology. Mr. Steve Kirsch is a serial entrepreneur who has been researching adverse reactions to COVID vaccines. Bret talks to Robert and Steve about the pandemic, treatment and the COVID vaccines.

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