Real progress on covid truth … Canadian doctors with cohones
Written by Roger Higgs
Written by Roger Higgs
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Adding a fascinating insight into our understanding of dinosaurs, researchers say that a slew of fossils found in Alaska seemingly indicate that some of the creatures had lived in the Arctic.
Written by BBC
The missing edges of Rembrandt’s painting The Night Watch have been restored using artificial intelligence. The canvas, created in 1642, was trimmed in 1715 to fit between two doors at Amsterdam’s city hall. Since then, 60cm (two feet) from the left, 22cm from the top, 12cm from the bottom and 7cm from the right have been missing.
Written by Climate Change Dispatch
A recent search of Google News for the term ‘climate change’ turns up a number of stories in the mainstream media promoting the United Nations (UN) World Food Programme saying climate change is causing a drought in Madagascar that threatens more than one million people with starvation.
Written by Gennady Ibraev
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Although precast concrete was not widely used until the early 1950s, it got its start in architecture long before that. Today it is one of the most widely used materials in construction worldwide. Almost two thousand years after it was built in Rome, the Pantheon’s dome is still the world’s largest unreinforced concrete dome.
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The president of the largest union of health care workers in the United States says the organization will fight against companies requiring mandatory COVID-19 vaccines for employees.
Written by BBC
Last year more deaths than births were registered in the UK for the first time since 1976. In total, just over 683,000 births were registered compared with nearly 690,000 deaths.
Written by BBC
Astronomers have worked out when the first stars began shining. They say that this period, known as the “cosmic dawn,” occurred between 250 to 350 million years after the Big Bang.
Written by Jack Dini
Written by David Motes BS ChE (1977), MBA (1983)
Written by Climate Change Dispatch / Andy Rowlands
Be afraid. Once the coronavirus pandemic is done and dealt with, a United Nations report warned Wednesday that searing, unrelenting heat could lay waste to large swathes of the planet, killing millions who have no means to escape a massive climate change event.
Written by Ray Kurzweil
As the COVID19 scam reveals an evil technological plan to depopulate the planet it bears remembering a prophesy (below) from 20 years ago of humanity’s redundancy in the face of exponential technological growth. So, wear your mask, take your jabs and comply with ‘Big Science’, your days are numbered!
Written by Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA
In America you can get a free doughnut if you live in the right place and agree to have yourself jabbed with the toxic, experimental brew known as the covid-19 jab.
Written by Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA
The deadly dangers of the toxic, experimental `vaccines’ are rightly getting a good deal of attention. But the danger of mask wearing has been largely forgotten. This is a huge mistake.
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Of the natural hazards in Mother Nature’s arsenal, tornadoes are some of the most vicious. But while other hazards are regularly considered in building designs, tornadoes have not been part of the equation for most structures in the United States, even in highly tornado-prone regions.