Natural human enzyme can biodegrade graphene, scientists report

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Degradation of pristine graphene occurs in the human body when interacting with a naturally occurring enzyme found in the lung, announced Graphene Flagship partners; the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), University of Strasbourg, Karolinska Institute and University of Castilla–La Mancha (UCLM).

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Bioterrorism, Public Health, and Civil Liberties

Written by New England Journal of Medicine

The prospect of having to deal with a bioterrorist attack, especially one involving smallpox, has local, state, and federal officials rightly concerned.1,2 Before September 11, most procedures for dealing with a bioterrorist attack against the United States were based on fiction.

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Review of Dr. Michael Clarage’s ‘The Electrical Shaping of Biology’

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It has become commonplace within the world of reductionist biology to presume that all ponderable qualities of living matter (including the morphology, cell development, and purpose of both cells and individual members of species), are shaped entirely by DNA. If this were true, then it must be assumed that all the information contained in the outcome of every cell’s development were pre-determined from before birth leaving little room for freedom within the universe.

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The Lockdowns, the Masks, the Rules are Coming Back

Written by Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA

This is the calm before the storm.

Government advisors such as Ferguson, one of the individuals who ignored their Government’s rules, are saying that the worst is over. Ferguson has been quoted as saying that the so-called pandemic will be over by October. Other advisors and experts say it’s going to get worse before it gets even worse than worse.

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