A scientific online publication that focuses on global problems such as the COVID-19 pandemic, concluded that Australia has provided the world with unequivocal evidence that COVID-19 injections are actually making recipients more vulnerable to infections and death.
When you reach 65, you will probably need to sign up for Medicare. Before you rush to sign-up, there are some things you need to know about Medicare that may affect your choices.
From deaths due to vaccine-induced myocarditis to a significant increase in heart attack risk among youth, the risks tied to COVID-19 shots continue to grow – while their effectiveness in children reached an embarrassing low.
NASA engineers had to work fast to avoid another leak affecting the latest Artemis dry run, just hours after an attempt to reboost the International Space Station (ISS) via the Cygnus freighter was aborted following a few short seconds.
That a movement as weird and alarmist as XR is championing the green cause should be a fatal embarrassment to all green-leaning politicians and technocrats.
Sunday 26th June: Bart Sibrel: Tin foil hat-wearing conspiracy theorist or truther? The man NASA astronaut, Buzz Aldrin, punched in the face talks to us on TNT Radio Live. Listen now and decide for yourself!
Researchers have noted that a link between the experimental jabs and menstrual changes are plausible. The outcomes are not especially pleasant reading for women. Read below to discover what the findings say.
This isn’t new information to those who have been paying close attention, but the fact that it’s finally getting acknowledged by a highly respected medical journal is a breakthrough.
So I have exciting news! I have decided to start a podcast / live-stream YouTube. It will be every Tuesday at 10 am PST. In the podcast I will attempt to explain the history and physics behind the ideas to a guest that is an expert in their field.
Recent research suggests that the glycocalyx sheds when we’re inflamed or have erratic blood sugar levels. This opens the door for pathogens to exploit the interior compartments of the body.