What a year this has been! Most of us will be glad to see the back of it. But, with so much uncertainty still ahead and nonstop fear and war-mongering going on, it is hard to remain calm and composed or even function. There is real cause for concern because the survival of humanity is at risk like never before.
Climate activists glued themselves to the tarmac at the Munich International Airport on Friday, the latest inane display of supposed virtue that temporarily closed a runway at Germany’s second-busiest airport.
“Net zero by 2050” policies would be apocalyptically destructive if fully implemented and have already been catastrophically destructive when barely implemented
UK power prices have hit record levels as an icy cold snap and a fall in supplies of electricity generated by wind power have combined to push up wholesale costs
On the evening of December 6, 2022, I discovered my paper of November 2, 2017 was posted on PSI.com. Thank you. It is an important explanation of radiation physics refuting CO2 Global Warming Theory. Many of my other papers were posted as well.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says ivermectin does not work against COVID-19 but links to studies that show it does, an Epoch Times review has found
Physical processes that are able to distribute and focus energy on planetary scales are rare, so planetary data sets that show significant spatial covariation – such as Earth’s geomagnetic and geothermal data – strongly suggest that a single process is responsible for their shared geometry.
The man who helped falsify COVID’s origins and suppressed the use of HCQ / ivermectin / Vitamin D is trying to push the “misinformation is a crime” narrative and resolve one of the globalists’ weaknesses
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s plan to increase imports of American natural gas has been branded as “expensive hypocrisy” in light of his decision to ban fracking in the UK