A submarine implosion sounds terrifying, but what does actually happen during a submarine implosion?
What Happens When a Submarine Implodes
Written by Not What You Think
Written by Not What You Think
A submarine implosion sounds terrifying, but what does actually happen during a submarine implosion?
Written by AstroKobi
One of the most famous stars we can see, Betelgeuse, is set to go supernova extremely soon and when it does it will shine as bright as the full moon in our sky and you will even be able to see it during the day!
Written by DMAX UK
In this video, Ben Hansen meets with a Navy pilot that had a traumatic encounter with a UFO. Despite this happening years ago, he still gets emotional while recalling the experience.
Written by Well Here We Go
In this video, we first examine some of the first descriptions of diabetes and we see in the late 1800s it was quite rare.
Written by Well Here We Go
In this video, we explore the increase in heart disease over the last century and a half.
Written by CO2 Coalition
Nobel laureate Dr. John Clauser, a CO2 Coalition Board of Directors member, delivered a keynote lecture at Quantum Korea 2023 Seoul on June 26, 2023, saying “I don’t believe there is a climate crisis” in his keynote address
Written by Stephen Treloar
Norway’s energy ministry approved oil and gas projects with a total value of more than 200 billion kroner ($18.5 billion) as Europe’s biggest supplier of natural gas works to keep up production
Written by Dominic Lawson
From the most exclusive enclave on the U.S. West Coast — Malibu, where the median cost of a ‘single family home’ is $7 million — comes a voice of sympathy for the everyday concerns of struggling British workers
Written by Duggan Flanakin
The Italian parliament, demonstrating confidence in Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni (pictured), this week formally backed her plan to reintroduce nuclear power plants into Italy’s energy mix, reversing the nation’s 1987 moratorium on nuclear power
Written by Stop These Things
The wind cultist is always ready to spear hundreds of giant 240m (787ft) industrial wind turbines into your backyard, but howls bloody outrage should the ‘favour’ look like being returned
Written by Brian Zinchuk
Around 10 p.m. to 11 p.m. on Monday, June 27, the sun had gone down in Alberta and there was no wind power production to be had
Written by Net Zero Watch
The crash in Siemens Energy’s share price on Friday has admirably highlighted an issue with wind costs that colleagues and I have been examining for more than a decade
Written by John Leake
Anyone who has ever been severely injured or ill is familiar with the terrible realization that in a state of debilitation and sickness, one’s freedom is largely taken away. Thus, health and liberty are inextricably linked
Written by Conna Craig
Artificial intelligence-powered chatbot may spread medical misinformation
Written by John O'Sullivan
Saturday 8th July: Join us at 7pm to 9pm LIVE for no-nonsense news talk with Professor Gloria Moss and Mikki Willis as we talk no-h9lds-barred truth about exposing rampant corruption in our government institutions.
Written by Kevin Stocklin
A ‘global policy failure of gigantic proportions,’ authors of report say