Climate Change Is Globalist Codeword for Genocide

Having survived the “hottest” month on record, I couldn’t resist exposing their ‘climate change’ fraud…

The planetary controllers are using their ‘climate change’ minions as lame excuse to double down on their endgame lies, in the same way they use the World Health Organization to usurp national sovereignty.

The reality is ‘climate change’ is another Trojan horse abstraction designed to cover up the willful crimes of diabolical climate engineering controllers who for decades have been engaging in manmade weather warfare, terraforming the earth to deliberately induce this week’s big headline claiming July is the hottest month on record.

This sensationalized ploy offers false justification serving to reinforce more enforcement policies and legislation intended to drastically reduce the global CO2 output, as if carbon is to blame.

CO2 is the plant food that helps make our planet green and critical to plant survival that in turn is critical to sustaining all animal and human life.

Moreover, in a year the billion people in India are said to breathe out more carbon dioxide than the total of all the coal burning power plants in the US.

As if that’s not enough for a more balanced, accurate perspective, termites are known to emit significant amounts of both carbon dioxide as well as methane. In fact, termites produce more carbon dioxide than the total amount of coal burning plants worldwide.

So, this notion of blaming human generated CO2 as rationalization for the ‘climate change’ catastrophe is preposterous and is both anti-life and anti-human, conjured up by subhuman powerbrokers wanting us dead.

Remember former Vice President globalist Al Gore’s alarmist 2006 prediction that global warming would cause rising sea levels putting US coastline cities underwater by 2016? It’s all just more lies to manipulate a New World Order dystopian agenda in time for the World Economic Forum and King Charles’ “Great Reset.”

The so-called renewable green energy like wind and solar power and the purportedly far more environmentally friendlier electric vehicles all are dependent on ‘fossil fuel’ energy, plus EVs are dangerously flammable and extremely problematic with recharging lithium batteries.

Plus, these “green” products involve child slaves toiling away in cobalt mines in Third World nations dying early deaths. That is anything but clean. But elites conveniently omit this dirty truth and continue to falsely brainwash the public with constant deception.

The same evil forces behind the COVID pandemic scam and the bioweapon vaccines now shown to trigger 74% of post-vaccine deaths in the US are also behind this false “clean” burning notion of the green energy agenda as well as the normalized pedophilia scourge push.

All of these crimes are the biggest, most horrific deadly scams the world’s ever known, attempts to hide the elites’ #1 priority to depopulate the planet killing billions of us by at least a 90% reduction.

The race to world war is just one more depopulation method the ruling elite is persistently promoting.

The simultaneous collapsing economy, enormous food shortages, price increases, increased poverty, mass starvation, unprecedented homelessness and breakdown of civil society as consequences of this Satanic dark agenda are all deliberately created conditions by elite powerbrokers to depopulate our planet.

This presentation focuses on how elites are deploying climate change/green agenda specifically for depopulation purposes. A July 20th LA Times headline ominously warns, “Would an occasional blackout help solve climate change?”

As our so-called hottest summer heatwave deceptively unfolds, this latest predictive programming headline is simply priming and conditioning Americans to brace for increasing major blackouts and ominous power grid failures coming to a neighborhood near you sooner than later.

Implicitly embedded in the elites’ ‘climate change’ meme is that it’s all your fault. And your punishment as a consuming member of the human race, gluttonously gorging on your ‘fossil fuel’ addiction, is drastic depopulation.

Thus, with the imminent onslaught of aging power grid blackouts fast upon us, the globalist controllers are conveniently blaming you for your greedy, nasty habit for still using those dirty ‘fossil fuels’.

That’s why the government is stepping in for your own good to enforce regulations and bans on your continued orgy of oil, gas and coal burning pollutants. To advance their cause, this “climate change” war against humanity invents convenient new jargon like “heat domes,” subliminally pressing urgent alarms going off brainwashing the global masses to jump on board this runaway Trojan horse train wreck.

Another sneaky, subtle gesture in recent use across the world now is the ultra-bright blazing red color scheme on weather maps conveying scorching red-hot temperatures accentuating this all-important ‘climate change’ crisis.

After all, our globalist leaders and so called experts are constantly reminding us that our greatest threat to our human survival is ‘climate change’, bringing its catastrophic arsenal of extreme weather and climate conditions all brought about by manmade ‘climate change’ – droughts, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis, volcanos, earthquakes, wildfires and this summer’s scorched earth temperatures all consequences of ‘climate change’ as humanity’s biggest challenge to continued survival… or so the dogmatic propaganda fed 24/7 through lamestream corporate media and Big Tech social media giants want us to believe.

On Sunday July 30th, interviewed on 60 Minutes Australia, when US Secretary of State Antony Blinken was asked which is the greater threat to humanity, ‘climate change’ or nuclear war, right on cue the globalist puppet who’s busily plunging us into nuclear war with Russia answered:

Well, you can’t, I think, have a hierarchy. There are some things that are front and center…including potential conflict, but there’s no doubt that climate represents an existential challenge to all of us.

All these puppets reading off the same globalist script had Joe Biden just ahead of his stolen election declaring:

Climate change is the number one issue facing humanity. And it’s the number one issue for me.

The same bloodline controllers behind these fraudulently installed clowns both own and control the central banking system that finances all wars, pandemics, worldwide health industry, and mass media propaganda, always pointing to their same blame game scenario – humanity’s “fossil-fuel consumption” driving our colossal ‘carbon’ footprint across the globe as the main driver of ‘climate change’.

This is a barefaced lie.

But rather than disclose the true culprits orchestrating all of today’s deadly converging crises – the genocidal elites – every human being is conveniently blamed for this “end of the world” ‘climate change’ crisis, delivering lie after lie through mainstream and social media that global overpopulation is unsustainably driving humans’ record high consumption of rapidly diminishing, highly polluting ‘fossil fuels’ that in turn cause the deadly ‘greenhouse gases’ and expanding ‘carbon’ footprint enveloping the earth as the elite’s made up, fake cause of ‘climate change’.

Instead of the truth, daily we are bombarded nonstop with how manmade ‘climate change’ is behind everything these days.

On Thursday July 27th, the day July was officially announced by the UN as the hottest month ever on record, the mainstream whores were already lined up with their prepared in advance ‘climate change’ stories.

Time featured its “Climate Change is Changing How We Dream” and The New Republic offered “What Climate Change Is Doing to Our Sex Lives.” Everything today is pre-scripted, highly choreographed, signed, sealed and delivered propaganda from the powers-that-be.

Constantly reinforced mass mind control brainwashing techniques are used to hide the fact that we’re neither running out of ‘fossil fuels’ nor is the earth suffering from either an overpopulation or a ‘climate change’ problem at all.

A decade ago, prior to so much ‘climate change’ dogma, mainstream media outlets like Yahoo News posted an article entitled “We Will Not Run Out of Fossil Fuels.” Today censorship increasingly imposes stricter control over information and news outflow, with AI logarithms withholding the truth from public dissemination that counters all the MSM propaganda lies and ‘climate change’ hoax.

Only through the power elites’ preapproved diabolical media deception maintaining false scripted narratives can this Trojan horse ‘climate change’/green energy agenda be swallowed hook, line and sinker by the global masses.

This ‘climate change’ hoax provides the flimsy cover for banning use of ‘fossil fuels’, deliberately intended to cause deadly food and fuel shortages worldwide.

The West’s nonstop aggression that forced Putin’s 2022 Ukraine intervention, hyped as an unprovoked invasion, and Moscow’s most recent grain deal pullout are misused as propaganda war weapons accusing the demonized Russian leader of intentionally starving millions in our food scarcity world.

Meanwhile, all this has been meticulously, sinisterly plotted by globalists to create an across-the-board chain reaction to willfully increase survival costs raising soaring food and fuel prices along with skyrocketed inflation creating such extreme dire conditions causing the elites’ long planned genocide of the human race, jumpstarted by their bioweapon death jab dieoff well in progress.

Dumbing down the global population through decades of toxifying environmental degradation, fluorides poisoning the public water supply and 24/7 mass mind control propaganda aimed at keeping us ignorant of what the ruling criminals are secretly doing, has allowed them to continue getting away with mass murder with complete impunity.

The cumulative ripple effects from all this destruction, diabolically engineered in combination with covert geoengineering with aircraft aerosol sprayed chemtrails of heavy toxic metals and nanoparticles for decades into our lungs, contaminating our air, soil and water, all carry severe health consequences for all life forms inhabiting the natural world.

The grave impact of this manmade systematically controlled demolition of life on a global scale is nothing less than premeditated ecocide collapse.

This planetwide mass destruction deliberately planned and executed, ultimately constitutes genocidal extinction of the human race.

Unless we wake up and fight back for our very survival, it’ll be too late for us homo sapiens.

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