In this article I go through some basic stats concepts, and we discover that claims of a truly apocalyptic June 2023 are mere hot air according to the Central England Temperature Record
As the debate surrounding body composition measurements intensifies, health care professionals and researchers question the reliability of the body mass index (BMI) as an accurate indicator of an individual’s health
The Environmental Protection Agency has cleared the release of 2.4 billion genetically-modified mosquitoes in California and Florida. The mosquitoes, created by biotech firm Oxitec, will be non-biting Aedes aegypti males engineered to only produce viable male offspring, per the company
Ever since magnetic scans were conducted over Antarctica in the early 1960s, an anomaly has stuck out to scientists. From the get go it was speculated that it was caused by a major asteroid impact, and, in time, it appears like this hypothesis is correct.
Starting in the 20th century, the fertility rates of the world went crashing down. In just one or two generations nations went from 7 or 8 babies per woman on average to 1 or 2.
One of the most famous stars we can see, Betelgeuse, is set to go supernova extremely soon and when it does it will shine as bright as the full moon in our sky and you will even be able to see it during the day!
In this video, Ben Hansen meets with a Navy pilot that had a traumatic encounter with a UFO. Despite this happening years ago, he still gets emotional while recalling the experience.