Not Jumping to Conclusions

Written by John Leake

To those who have commented on my Lahaina Fire posts: I’d like to assure you that I am just now starting my investigation and have not drawn any conclusions

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“The Covenant of Death”

Written by Dr Naomi Wolf

Please forgive my recent silence. I am locked in an apartment in Brooklyn, copyediting a new book (out in November with Chelsea Green), titled Facing the Beast. You can guess what it is about

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How ‘Arbitrary And Capricious’ EPA Regs Could Cause Millions To Starve

Written by Jerome R. Corsi

Two distinguished climate scientists have filed with the Environmental Protection Agency a 45-page comment on the proposed regulation the EPA announced on May 11, 2023, setting emission standards that would require nearly all coal and gas-powered plants in the U.S. to capture 90 percent of their carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 2038 or shut down.

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1.5 Degrees Of Complete Climate Fabrication

Written by I&I Editorial Board

Ghoulish scold John Kerry, the White House’s climate hobgoblin, has repeatedly warned that the world is not on track to contain a 1.5-degree Celsius increase in global temperature above the preindustrial level, and this means disaster is looming

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