In my book, I strongly advocate for the concept of adhering to the scientific method of inquiry and the first principles of science, ab initio, as a discipline in the conduct of scientific research
Researchers have found death certificates across the country are rife with unsettling discrepancies, casting doubts on the reliability of our health records
Elon Musk said he’d rather go to prison than fire employees for refusing the COVID-19 shot while revealing he was nearly hospitalized after getting the vaccine
A new study found lactating women recently vaccinated with an mRNA vaccine had detectible mRNA in breastmilk that can potentially transfer to their infant
Asia’s coal sector has gone from thinking they are in terminal decline as the world shifts to a ‘net-zero carbon’ future to seeing themselves as being a part of the energy mix for decades to come
My 16-minute interview of Jennifer, a former police detective in a major US city who handled over 250 SIDS investigations over seven years implicates the childhood vaccines as the major cause of SIDS
Emmanuel Macron on Monday ruled out banning gas boilers as he outlined plans to reach France’s emission goals without imposing too much of a burden on citizens
This should make your hair stand up! Your WiFi router and all your smart appliances (including your smart meter) create a dense web of EMF radiation in your home that can be used to see everything and anyone
Mining for electric-powering minerals has left 23 million people exposed to toxic waste, 500,000km of rivers polluted and 16 million acres of farmland ruined
Replicating the findings of American scientists Kevin McKernan and Phillip Buckhaults, the German biologist Jürgen O. Kirchner has also found massive levels of DNA contamination in vials of the BioNTech-Pfizer mRNA vaccine deployed in the home country of the vaccine, Germany