First a shout to CHD, Bobby, and Michael Nevradakis for having the courage to quote me. This is huge, not because I said it, but huge because it’s the first time CHD is going after VAERS like this.
I watched this press conference live, and was horrified to hear Governor Newsom announce: “We don’t need to drill things, extract things, in order to advance our economic goals and to advance our mobility needs.”
During the early years of the pandemic the real front line was comprised of independent clinics and urgent care centers as major university hospitals offered no ambulatory protocols or programs to keep patients out of the hospital
Jeremy Hunt’s budget was symptomatic of the problems with the Conservative Party, giving the impression of a government that is all but directionless because of the division in its parliamentary ranks between, on the one hand, the green blob and on the other, a rump of old fashioned Conservatives, desperately trying to stop their colleagues from driving the party and the country into oblivion
The Nautical SUNRISE consortium partners have commenced the project whose goal is to facilitate research and development of offshore floating solar systems and its components
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul declared the state wouldn’t target businesses with political cases after winning a $454 million judgment against Donald Trump. That vow didn’t last long
UK driver involved in a runaway Jaguar EV – speeding at 120 miles per hour – gives a frank interview in a live video. This crash was the SECOND TIME this driver had his Jaguar car run out of control.
Qualified as a scientist and Scotsman, Doug Brodie has been writing open letters to UK government officials regarding the COVID-19 pandemic response, the climate change hoax and more. Below is his latest rebuke of corrupt British politics.
Joe Biden’s handlers go from one globalist traitor to the next with the White House imposter’s choice to relieve his climate change green energy czar globalist tool John Kerry who stepped down on Wednesday March 6th.
Are “Dementia Joe” and his anti-American and Marxist handlers slow-walking us to Armageddon with their belligerent stance toward Russia, while Biden and his handlers prepare to send F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine?
WASHINGTON—The James Webb Space Telescope since becoming operational in 2022 has uncovered numerous surprises about what things were like in the universe’s early stages. We now can add one more—observations of a galaxy that was already “dead” when the universe was only 5 percent of its current age.
The latest news today reports that Europe’s only Tesla plant, located in Grünheide near Berlin, remains closed after yesterday’s massive eco-terrorism attack by the extreme left-wing “Vulkan Group”.