Almost every river in Eastern Australia is now pouring surplus water into the sea. But only two dams have been built in Queensland in the last 20 years—the Wyaralong Dam, built 13 years ago, and Paradise Dam, built 19 years ago.
The development of nuclear power has been the subject of intense debate and scrutiny over the years, particularly in terms of costs, regulatory frameworks, and its role in ‘solving the climate crisis’.
Many of you have read my in-depth coverage of the Origins debacle. Upon doing research, I came across Charles Rixey who is a Marine veteran, historian, and member of D.R.A.S.T.I.C., an online group of scientists and researchers who continue to lead the search for the origin of COVID-19.
If those controlling the World Health Organization get their way, the United Kingdom and other Member States will soon be subject to medical and political tyranny under amendments to the International Health Regulations 2005 (IHR), and the so-called ‘Pandemic Treaty’.
Way back in October 2012, climate alarmist and activist Michael Mann brought a libel suit against Mark Steyn and Rand Simberg for allegedly defamatory blog posts that the two had written a few months previously
Wallach et al report that wearing of NMC (surgical masks or FFP2 masks) raises CO2 content in inhaled air quickly to a very high level in healthy children in a seated resting position that might be hazardous to children’s health
Isn’t it alarming that the medical establishment continues with its obsession with masks as the “UK’s Covid crisis” sees NHS nurses “demand Brits wear mask up”?
My interview with German data scientist Fabian Spieker on what the US data shows. He makes the case for over 100,000 excess deaths in just three months time.
This spring, cherry blossoms saw the record earliest first-blooming in various locations in Japan. There are many news reports, including one by The Washington Post and BBC