In September 2021, a few months into the most massive mandated vaccination campaign in the history of the “democratic” West, a lieutenant colonel of the US Air Force and a doctor with experience of bacteriological weapons, raised the alarm about serious heart problems in adverse reactions to the mRNA jab.
France’s Council of State decries industrial wind turbines, calling them illegal and absolutely requiring full environmental assessments: Those installed, and those planned. It’s an annulment, with broad implications.
Written by John O'Sullivan, CEO, Principia Scientific International
Now available: important new podcast interview with Dr Nisa Khan, world-leading expert on LED lights, revealing the unspoken dangers of long-term exposure to this novel form of commercial radiative lighting.
Written by John O'Sullivan CEO, Principia Scientific International
New biography of one of the world’s best skeptical climatologists, Dr Tim Ball, has just been released. Written by Tim’s widow, Marty, it provides unique personal insights into the life and work of a most accomplished critic of the junk science of man-made global warming.
Plastics are now everywhere, with tiny fragments found in several major organs of the human body, including the placenta. Given how easily the microscopic particles infiltrate our tissues, it’s vital that we learn exactly what kinds of risks they could pose to our health.
A former Boeing manager and whistleblower, John Barnett, had told a close friend days before his untimely death that if anything happened to him, it would not be suicide.
The Australian-based Substack DEMOCRACYMANIFEST just published a report on a trailer for a new film titled “BioDefense,” produced by the Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense. This Commission is composed of the various Washington D.C. career politicians who are strongly aligned with various players and institutions in the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex.
Ashwagandha is a top-selling, stress-reducing herbal remedy from Ayurveda, the traditional Indian system of medicine. In Ayurveda, it’s been considered a “rejuvenator” for millennia. “Ashwa” in Sanskrit means “horse,” and “gandha” means “smell,” and it’s believed to impart the power of a horse to those who use it.