CO2 Was Framed!

Written by Carl Brehmer


To frame:

Verb, informal

“produce false evidence against an innocent person [or an odorless, tasteless, invisible atmospheric gas that is essential for plant growth] so that they appear guilty: ‘he claims he was framed’”

In 2007 Carbon dioxide (CO2) was given a show trial and found to be “guilty” even though the litigants had no standing and the evidence was, in the words of Chief Justice Roberts in his dissenting opinion, “pure conjecture”.

Guilty of what you ask?   “Massachusetts had lost some of its coastal land, an injury that is expected to worsen over the course of the next century,” Mass. v EPA (2007).  That’s it.  That is the totality of the actual, hard “evidence” that was presented at trial that the CO2 emitted by the burning of hydrocarbons is causing an “injury” to “public health and welfare” and can therefore be classified as a “pollutant” under the Clean Air Act.

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The Transfer of Kinetic Energy

Written by Anthony Bright-Paul


Everybody knows Physics, everybody without exception. We learn Physics from the day we are born, and we go on learning Physics every day thereafter – not in a classroom, mind, but in the University of Life.

Heat is defined as the transfer of kinetic energy. Yesterday my wife brought her oil-filled radiator into our breakfast room. Quite idly, I stretched my right hand out to touch it, little realising it had been on for half an hour. Wow! I experienced an immediate transfer of kinetic energy. I guess most husbands have also had the experience of being handed a hot plate by their partners right out of the oven. The experience of the transfer of kinetic energy can be alarmingly immediate and painful.

There are thousands of ways we experience the transfer or kinetic energy by contact, which the Physicist calls Conduction. I well remember as a young man walking on the hot sands of the Riviera without sandals. It was like walking on hot coals. I had to rush into the sea to cool my feet.

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The Science is Settled

Written by Anthony Bright-Paul


The Warmists are very fond of saying ‘The Science is settled’ and in point of fact they are largely right. Between the Warmists and the Skeptics there is a great deal of agreement on the science. The disagreements mostly come over the use or abuse of the English language. Just as one small example, many of the Warmists are unable apparently to distinguish between ‘causation’ and ‘correlation’. That is a matter of linguistics and not of science per se.

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Lying About The Climate – The New Normal

Written by Tony Heller

Christian Science Monitor is up to their usual ambulance chasing climate lies – now blaming fires in the southeast on global warming.

Could this be the new normal for the South?


Forest fires blaze across Southeast: What is feeding the flames? –

As always, this is based on no facts or science. Forest fires have been declining in Tennessee since the 1970s.


forest fires in tennessee___3.pdf

In fact, there is a good correlation with declining sea ice. The less ice, the fewer fires.


Tennessee has been getting wetter as the fires have decreased.


Climate at a Glance | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

Every time there is a drought, government experts declare it to be the new normal.

ScreenHunter_5996 Jan. 12 09.27 This drought may never break – Environment –

ScreenHunter_7914 Mar. 14 08.51

Drought may be new norm for UK, says environment secretary | Environment | The Guardian

There isn’t one bit of truth in the Christian Science Monitor thesis. But that is the new normal.


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Climate Crazies: Strange Tale of the Green House Gas Gang

Written by Joseph A Olsen PE


The Green House Gas Gang began in 1896 when Svante Arrhenius of Sweden discovered heat storage increases with increased carbon dioxide levels. This father of the gang was a child prodigy, Nobel Committee member, Nobel Laureate and founding member of the Eugenics movement. In 1900 he became involved in the creation of the Nobel Prize, in 1901 he was a member of the Nobel Committee and in 1903 he helped give himself a Nobel Prize for Chemistry.

He served on the Nobel Committee until 1927 where he exerted enormous influence on the selection of all prize winners. In 1922 he helped father the State Institute for Racial Biology, which was to have been a Nobel Institute. The principles for this had been in discussion by the literati for decades and were incorporated in the US Progressive Movement of the 1900’s and fully implemented by the Nazi eugenics programs.

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3 New Papers: Global Seas Rising About 2 Inches Per Century

Written by Kenneth Richard


According to the most highly-cited estimate of recent (1992 – 2011) polar ice sheet melt rates, the land ice on Greenland and Antarctica has been contributing to sea level rise at a rate of 0.59 mm/year in the modern era, which means the equivalent of 5.9 centimeters (2.3 inches) per century of sea level rise might eventually accrue if the polar ice sheets continue melting at current rates for the next 10 decades.

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Greenhouse Gas Climate Theory ‘inadmissible’ and ‘junk science’

Written by John O'Sullivan


Global warming science in full meltdown. Influential climate analyst Tony Heller exposes key errors made 115 years ago by the “grandfather” of greenhouse gas theory. The findings, say Heller, make the climate theory of Swedish Chemist Svante Arrhenius “inadmissible” and “junk science.”

Heller’s analysis could have huge implications. US President-elect, Donald Trump, given a populist mandate to dismantle the “hoax” of man-made global warming, is set to target the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) for its wasteful multi-billion dollar climate change boondoggle.

Leading Trump’s EPA transition team is Myron Ebell, the Director of Energy and Environment at the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI). Ebell and Heller are long-time friends championing skepticism of establishment climate alarm.

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Empirical Evidence of Man-made Global Warming?

Written by Anthony Bright-Paul


There is no empirical evidence of man-made Global Warming whatsoever. There never has been and there never will be. Oh yes! There is a theory and plenty of scientists have an ‘opinion’ on the matter. But opinion is not science. A great number of apparatchiks also ‘believe’ that the Globe is getting hotter and hotter and indeed only today I read in the BBC Science section that we are near to reaching that famous tipping point. But belief is not science either.

Of course the Globe warms every day and cools every night. The weather likewise changes every day and the seasons are rotating all the time. The temperature is different in different places all over the globe – watch the Meteo on EuroNews or watch CNN or the BBC. They all show magnificently the different and ever-changing temperatures throughout the world. That is empirical. Those temperatures are taken by thermometers at some 5ft above the ground.

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Trump will likely shutter NASA climate alarm shop

Written by Professor Larry Bell


President-elect Donald Trump’s senior space policy advisor, Bob Walker, recently observed to the Guardian newspaper that NASA has been reduced to “a logistics agency concentrating on space station resupply and politically correct environmental monitoring.”

Instead, “We see NASA in an exploration role, in deep space research.” He added, “Mr. Trump’s decisions will be based upon solid science, not politicized science.”

We should definitely expect a major budgetary realignment of NASA’s annual Earth Science Directorate funding which has increased 50{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} to a current $2 billion under the Obama Administration, compared with $2.8 billion for space exploration. A great place to start serious slashing will be with the ideologically corrupted NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS).

The GISS, which inappropriately bears the distinguished name of father of modern rocketry Robert H. Goddard, should definitely not be confused with NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, a major national scientific and engineering center.

Instead, this small enclave of temperature data modelers located in a midtown Manhattan office building relies primarily upon sparse surface data (not the far more reliable satellite measurements available since 1979) that is mostly supplied by others.

Check the issuing source the next time you hear media reports claiming that “NASA says that blah, blah year, month, day is hottest in record.” If mentioned at all, you should not be surprised to see that it came from the GISS.

Up until three years ago, the organization’s much-chronicled “top hansen-bustedclimate scientist” director was James Hansen, a politically protected Civil Service employee-cum-anti-fossil energy activist who was arrested four times for noncompliance with police orders during public demonstrations. On February 13, 2013, he was handcuffed in front of the White House alongside actress Daryl Hannah, Sierra Club founder Adam Werbach, founder Bill McKibben, former NAACP president Julian Bond, and a few dozen others protesting to block the Keystone XL pipeline.

Hansen first gained national media attention as star witness at then-Sen. Al Gore’s 1988 Committee on Science, Technology, and Space hearings where he famously testified that he was 99{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} certain that temperatures had increased under human-caused greenhouse influence. In 2009, Hansen’s former supervisor John Theon wrote to the Minority Office at the Environment and Public Works Committee that he had “embarrassed NASA” with his alarming claims which were not supported by scientific evidence.

theonAs Theon noted, “NASA scientist James Hansen has created worldwide frenzy with his dire climate warning, his call for those who dissent against manmade global warming fear, and his claims that he was allegedly muzzled by the Bush Administration despite doing 1,400 on-the-job media interviews!” He added that “climate models are useless” because they “do not realistically simulate the climate system because there are many sub-grid scale processes that the models either replicate poorly or completely omit.”

Theon continued, observing, “Furthermore, some scientists have manipulated the observed data to justify their model results. In doing so, they neither explain what they have modified in the observations, nor explain how they did it.”

True to form, in January 2015 the GISS, now headed by climate alarm schmidyblogger Gavin Schmidt, rolled out a report that 2014 was the hottest year ever measured. That claim was presumably based upon available records dating back to 1880 . . . nearly a century before accurate global satellite records existed.

Schmidt has since admitted that the likelihood that 2014 was the warmest year since 1880 is just 38{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117}. Yet when asked by the Daily Mailwhether he regretted that his press release hadn’t mentioned this, they reported that he gave no response.

According to satellite measurements, 2014 (a major El Niño year) was actually the third-warmest in 36 years since satellite measurements have been recorded. John Christy, a professor of atmospheric science and director of the Earth System Science Center at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, argues that any recorded temperature changes since 2001 are “statistically insignificant.”

It is tragic to see the agency that applied solid science to put humans the Moon become publicly identified with and misrepresented by a junk science-premised climate alarm propaganda machine. Nevertheless, in a recent interview posted in The Independent, a British online newspaper, NASA GISS Director Schmidt “warned” President-elect Donald Trump that government scientists are “not going to stand” for any interference with their work.

Asked if he would resign if the Trump Administration adopted an extreme form of “climate change denial,” Schmidt replied that this was “an interesting question,” but one which would not cause him to quit “in or of itself.”

Perhaps we might hope that the Trump Administration will solve Schmidt’s decision quandary by eliminating the GISS altogether. While no one I know denies that natural climate changes, it’s high time for a political climate change that gets NASA back to doing reliable science we can once again trust.

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The real plague affecting science? It isn’t fraud

Written by Ivan Oransky & Adam Marcus


If a burst pipe in your house is flooding your basement, you’re probably going to be more worried about that than the couple termites you previously spotted. But multiply those termites times a thousand and suddenly the bigger threat to your house might be, well, the little things.

The same holds true for science. Science fraud draws urgent attention whenever it comes to light, the equivalent of a busted pipe emergency. But it turns out, most scientists think it’s a far lesser threat to their field than the small, but legion, instances of under-reporting of negative findings and scientists’ use of shoddy methodology.

And — although it may be surprising coming from two people who run a blog that often focuses on scientific misconduct — we agree.

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Is There a Climate Change Consensus?

Written by Dr Charles Anderson


Is there any level on which a climate consensus can be said to exist?  Only at the most obvious level, which is that everyone agrees that the climate changes.  The realists know that the climate has always changed, drastically over millions of years of alternating Ice Ages and Warm Periods and within a narrower range over the warm last 12,000 years, with such periods as the Minoan Warm Period, the Roman Warming, the Medieval Warm Period, and the present warm period.

The catastrophic man-made global warming alarmists claim that the climate was very stable prior to the Industrial Age, which just happens to have had its start at the end of the Little Ice Age according to the Climate Realists.  But, since man became powerful and plentiful with the Industrial Age, the alarmists say that climate change now occurs mostly due to man.

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Fossil Fuel is “Green Energy”

Written by Carl Brehmer


We have today one of the most astonishing examples of a regression in scientific education.  It used to be common knowledge and taught in schools at all levels that carbon dioxide (CO2) is a vital, airborne plant food, but it is currently being condemned as being a “pollutant” because many people have come to believe, due to a massive disinformation campaign, that higher levels of this plant food would be harmful to the biosphere.  So pervasive, so effective is this ongoing disinformation campaign that it is now considered by many to be a moral imperative for humanity to abandon the use of its primary source of energy—burning hydrocarbons—because doing so produces CO2.

Let me say that again.  So pervasive, so effective has been the campaign that has demonized CO2—the gas that feeds the biosphere—that it is now generally accepted that humanity has a moral obligation to limit its production of it, even if doing so would cause a profound regression in global economic development!  They say that they have “science” on their side but do they?  Let’s review what science “knows” and what it doesn’t.

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‘Directed Evolution’ and Alien Life

Written by Dr Klaus L E Kaiser


All life forms (on earth) rely on carbon (chemical symbol “C”) for their existence and functioning. From miniscule bacteria to giant sequoia trees, from worms to whales, no life on earth including humans would exist without “carbon” in various combinations with other elements, most notably hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus.

Recent news speculate about hypothetical types of biochemistry and extraterrestrial life forms using a “silicon” based system, possibly akin to the Caltech artist’s rendering of such an envisioned life form shown nearby:

It may be difficult to figure out what’s front or back on that but it’s a lovely alien creature, isn’t it?


Another headline says “Scientists shocked by discovery relating to alien life” and “the search for alien life may have been altered forever by an amazing new conclusion by researchers.”

Researchers say in a new paper published in the journal Science that silicon can be made to bond naturally with carbon, which could open the door for many possibilities, not just with regards to alien life but also for human engineering. They term that process “directed evolution.”

Is the idea of “evolutionary tinkering” based on the claim that “silicon can form long chains of molecules, making it a potential building block for life” realistic or based on false assumptions? In order to evaluate that, one needs to look at the actual chemistry which I will try to explain in brief

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Extreme Cold Set To Hit US — 75% Of The Country Will Be Below Freezing

Written by Michael Bastach

Winter is coming. Or at least that’s what weather forecasters are predicting for the second week of December.

Dr. Ryan Maue, meteorologist with WeatherBell Analytics, posted a weather forecast showing “extreme cold” building in Alaska that’s going to swing southeast in the coming days and bring freezing weather to the lower 48 states. While the cold won’t necessarily be record-breaking, it will surely bring some record lows and maybe even some snow. Maue said “that over 75{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} of the USA will be below freezing for overnight lows on December 8th” based on forecasts.

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Tackling the Peddlers of Climate Change

Written by Anthony Bright-Paul


How often have we heard that ‘climatechange’ is the greatest threat to mankind! How often have we heard that Global Warming will lead to an unprecedented rise in sea levels! –  When what is the truth?

There is absolutely no truth whatsoever in these assertions, made by a coven of corrupt scientists, who have held the whole world in thrall. Not only is the Globe not warming, but we find that the books have been cooked on a truly massive scale.

So massive in fact, that even intelligent Members of Parliament with some scientific knowledge have been fooled.  The world at large has been fooled, as witness the bizarre antics at COP22. Did you think that that was a Climate Conference? Think again! It was about nothing but money, and who could screw the most out of the supposedly rich nations.

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Climate crazy 2016: Hawaii’s ‘Foot of Snow’

Written by Bart Jansen


[December 2 2016] Forget the swimsuits for Hawaii and pack raincoats and winter parkas.

The National Weather Service just issued a winter-storm warning until 6 p.m. Saturday local time, with heavy, flooding rainfall across the chain of Pacific islands and up to 30 inches of snow on the peaks of the Big Island.

Drifting snow, freezing fog and gusting wind are forecast for the summits of Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa volcanoes above 11,000 feet. Visibility could be less than a quarter-mile, making driving and hiking dangerous.

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