ALL United States Warming due to NOAA Data Tampering

Written by Tony Heller


Climate Central just ran this piece, which the Washington Post picked up on. They claimed the US was “overwhelmingly hot” in 2016, and temperatures have risen 1,5°F since the 19th century.

The U.S. Has Been Overwhelmingly Hot This Year | Climate Central

The first problem with their analysis is that the US had very little hot weather in 2016. The percentage of hot days was below average, and ranked 80th since 1895. Only 4.4% of days were over 95°F, compared with the long term average of 4.9%. Climate Central is conflating mild temperatures with hot ones.

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Solar Cycle 24 ‘historically weak’ and cosmic rays ‘on the rise’

Written by Paul Dorian

Historically weak solar cycle 24 continues to transition away from its solar maximum phase and towards the next solar minimum.  There have already been 11 spotless days during 2017 and this follows 32 spotless days that occurred during the latter part of 2016.

The blank look to the sun will increase in frequency over the next couple of years leading up to the next solar minimum – probably to be reached in late 2019 or 2020.  By one measure, the current solar cycle is the third weakest since record keeping began in 1755 and it continues a weakening trend since solar cycle 21 peaked in 1980.

One of the impacts of low solar activity is the increase of cosmic rays that can penetrate into the Earth’s upper atmosphere and this has some important consequences.

Third weakest solar cycle since 1755
A recent publication has analyzed the current solar cycle and has found that when sunspot anomalies are compared to the mean for the number of months after cycle start, there have been only two weaker cycles since observations began in 1755.  Solar cycle 24 began in 2008 after a historically long and deep solar minimum which puts more than eight years into the current cycle.  The plot (below) shows accumulated sunspot anomalies from the mean value after cycle start (97 months ago) and only solar cycles 5 and 6 had lower levels going all the way back to 1755.  The mean value is noted at zero and solar cycle 24 is running 3817 spots less than the mean.  The seven cycles preceded by solar cycle 24 had more sunspots than the mean.

An increase in cosmic rays
One of the consequences of extended periods of low solar activity is that it can result in an increase in stratospheric radiation.  Specifically, as sunspot activity goes down, there is an increase in cosmic rays that penetrate into the Earth’s upper atmosphere.  Cosmic rays are high-energy photons and subatomic particles accelerated in our direction by distant supernovas and other violent events in the Milky Way. Usually, cosmic rays are held at bay by the sun’s magnetic field, which envelops and protects all the planets in the Solar System. But the sun’s magnetic shield is weakening as the current solar cycle heads towards the next solar minimum and this allows more cosmic rays to reach the Earth’s atmosphere.

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Fatal Flaw in the USGCRP Climate and Health Assessment


Yesterday, we posted some excerpts from the Background section of our submitted Comment on the draft report on climate and health from the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP).

In that section, we argued that the USGCRP was overlooking (ignoring?) a vital factor that shapes the influence of climate change on the health and well-being of Americans—that is, that the adaptive process is actually spurred by climate change itself. Without recognition of this fact, projections are often alarmist and pessimistic.

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PNAS climate clowns Ripped by Aussie Professor

Written by Dr Albert Parker

PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences) called out over junk climate ‘science’ paper refuse to run detailed rebuttal letter from skeptic.

The publication at issue, ‘Centuries of thermal sea-level rise due to anthropogenic emissions of short-lived greenhouse gases,’ (PNAS January, 2017) is carefully dissected and disproved in a letter to PNAS submitted by Dr Albert Parker, a peer-reviewed expert debunking similar such claims. But because PNAS operates a closed door policy towards climate skeptic experts we are delighted to post Dr Parker’s detailed takedown below.

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Science and the Issue of Trust

Written by Donna Laframboise

Many messages emanating from the world of science are entirely bogus. After eight years in which my focus has been mostly on climate matters, I’ve lately pulled back the lens to take another look at science’s bigger picture. In this respect, a 2001 book by Daniel S. Greenberg, a journalist who spent more than 40 years covering US science, is an eye-opener.

It provides mountains of evidence that the leaders, advocates, spokespeople, lobbyists, and public relations personnel of the science world have long promoted narratives that are fundamentally incorrect.

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Trump Makes NASA Add Astronauts To Moon Mission & Save $10 Billion

Written by Andrew Follett

NASA intends to send astronauts to orbit the moon in 2018 at the apparent request of President Donald Trump, potentially saving taxpayers $10 billion dollars.

Robert Lightfoot, NASA’s acting administrator, sent a letter to the space agency’s employees saying they should “explore the feasibility” of sending astronauts to orbit the moon in 2018, apparently at the request of the Trump administration. Speeding up NASA’s plans to orbit the moon with astronauts could save money in the long term.

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What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger

Written by Sanford-Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute

Biologists have known for decades that enduring a short period of mild stress makes simple organisms and human cells better able to survive additional stress later in life.

Now, scientists at Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute (SBP) have found that a cellular process called autophagy is critically involved in providing the benefits of temporary stress. The study, published in Nature Communications, creates new avenues to pursue treatments for neurological disorders such as Huntington’s disease. 

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Vitamin D pills ‘could stop colds or flu’

Written by James Gallagher

Pills in a woman's handImage copyright: THINKSTOCK

Vitamin D supplements could spare more than three million people from colds or flu in the UK each year, researchers claim.

The sunshine vitamin is vital for healthy bones, but also has a role in the immune system. The analysis, published in the British Medical Journal, argues food should be fortified with the vitamin. But Public Health England (PHE) says the infections data is not conclusive, although it does recommend supplements. These, it says, should be taken for improved bone and muscle health.

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Top Carbon Scientist Busts Average Global Temperature Meme

Written by Dr Darko Butina

Award-winning scientist, who has spent the last three years devoted to studying real temperature readings globally, finds that government climate researchers created a fake metric that “has no physical meaning.” 

Dr Darko Butina won Britain’s prestigious Queen’s Award for science during a successful career with Glaxo Research. He writes:

“This report is designed to encourage readers to look for temperature patterns on our planet in the datasets that are based on calibrated thermometers and not theoretical models that have nothing to do with reality. It also sets the scene for two new papers of mine that will  have summaries for the general public once published.”

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U.S. Meteorologist Fired for Not Believing in Global Warming

Written by David Abel, Boston Globe


Mish Michaels, a U.S. meteorologist, lost her job as a science reporter at WGBH’s show “Greater Boston” last week after colleagues raised concerns about her views on vaccines and climate change.

They observe changes in the atmosphere like astronomers study the stars, analyzing everything from air pressure to water vapor and poring over computer models to arrive at a forecast.

But for all their scrutiny of weather data, many meteorologists part ways with their colleagues — climate scientists who study longer atmospheric trends — in one crucial respect: whether human activity is causing climate change.

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‘new physics’ explains galaxy rotation and theoretical space propulsion

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Dark matter faces quantised inertia. One of these ideas must leave town, or the galaxies, it seems.

British physicist Dr Mike McCulloch, who previously used quantised inertia to explain how the controversial electromagnetic space propulsion technology EmDrive works, says that he has new evidence showing his theory can also explain galaxy rotation, which is one of physics’ biggest mysteries, as the IB Times reports

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The Climate Fraud Conspiracy: Key Evidence Explained

Written by Tony Heller

In 1990, Tom Karl and the IPCC showed that Earth was much warmer 900 years ago, during the Medieval Warm Period (MWP.)

1990 IPCC Report

But by 1995, climate scientists had made the decision to get rid of the inconvenient MWP.

U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works

By 2001, Michael Mann and the IPCC followed up on their plans, and eliminated the MWP.

IPCC Third Assessment Report – Climate Change 2001

The 1990 IPCC report also had detailed Arctic sea ice satellite data from NOAA, which showed that Arctic sea ice extent was much lower in 1973 than in 1979.

1990 IPCC Report

Government scientists also knew in 1985 that Arctic sea ice extent was much lower in the 1940’s and 1950’s than it was in 1973.

Projecting the climatic effects of increasing carbon dioxide (Technical Report) | SciTech Connect

The pre-1979 Arctic sea ice data was extremely inconvenient, so NOAA simply made it disappear. They now start their graphs right at the peak year in 1979. I have been trying to obtain the pre-1979 IPCC satellite data from NOAA for over six months, and they have been “unable to locate it.”

In the 1950’s scientists were well aware that the “thin crust” of Arctic sea ice was disappearing, and predicted an ice-free Arctic within a generation.

The Changing Face of the Arctic; The Changing Face of the Arctic – The New York Times

Scientists were also aware that by 1970 Arctic sea ice was getting much thicker and more extensive.

U.S. and Soviet Press Studies of a Colder Arctic – The New York Times

This prior warmth and subsequent cooling in the Arctic was inconvenient, so NOAA and NASA made it disappear.

Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis

In 1985 Phil Jones At CRU showed a large global warming spike around 1940, followed by about 0.5C cooling.

Projecting the climatic effects of increasing carbon dioxide (Technical Report) | SciTech Connect

The 1940’s spike was inconvenient for Phil Jones and the rest of his cohorts, so they discussed how to get rid of it.

And that they did. They have completely eliminated the 1940’s blip and subsequent cooling. It no longer exists in the temperature record.

NASA has also removed the inconvenient 1940’s warmth and subsequent cooling, just as scientists discussed doing.

1981 version     2017 version

In 2013, the post-2000 global warming pause was central to the IPCC report.

Global warming pause ‘central’ to IPCC climate report – BBC News

This was inconvenient to NOAA and NASA, so Tom Karl and Gavin Schmidt made it disappear.

Evidence against a global warming hiatus? — ScienceDaily

There was no pause « RealClimate

This fraud was so blatant that even NOAA’s principal scientist and hockey stick fraudster Michael Mann called it out.

Climate scientists versus climate data | Climate Etc.

Nature Climate Change February 1, 2016

In 1990, NASA determined that satellite temperatures were more accurate than surface temperatures, and should be adopted as their standard.

01 Apr 1990 – EARTHWEEK: A DIARY OF THE PLANET Global Warming

Satellite data does not give NASA the answer they want, so the US space agency ignores satellites, and instead releases fraudulent surface temperatures.

Wood for Trees: Interactive Graphs

The fraud is not limited to temperature data. In 1982, NASA’s James Hansen showed that sea level stopped rising after the mid-1950’s for twenty years. NASA has since erased this pause, and turned it into an acceleration.

NASA 1982    NASA 2016

This is just a small sampling of the climate fraud being done right under our noses by NASA, NOAA and CRU. It is essential that the Trump administration end this fraud.

Under the Trump administration, government employees stand to make huge amounts of money by whistleblowing fraud. Contact Kent Clizbe for details.

Kent Clizbe
Fraud Detection Services
[email protected]
571 217 0714


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Quinoa genome could see ‘super-food’ prices tumble

Written by Matt McGrath

QuinoaImage copyright: HUW EVANS PICTURE AGENCY
Image caption: Demand for the gluten free grain has soared in recent years, particularly in the US and Europe

Scientists have successfully decoded the genome of quinoa, one of the world’s most nutritious but underutilised crops. The South American grain is a hugely popular “super-food” because it is well balanced and gluten-free.

However, prices for quinoa have rocketed in recent years as demand exceeded supply. Researchers believe the genetic code will rapidly lead to more productive varieties that will push down costs.

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How Can we Trust Global Warming Scientists who Twist the Truth?

Written by David Rose

They were duped – and so were we. That was the conclusion of last week’s damning revelation that world leaders signed the Paris Agreement on climate change under the sway of unverified and questionable data.

A landmark scientific paper –the one that caused a sensation by claiming there has been NO slowdown in global warming since 2000 – was critically flawed. And thanks to the bravery of a whistleblower, we now know that for a fact.

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Study relates Atlantic hurricane frequency to sunspot activity

Written by CO2 Science

Although some climate alarmists contend that CO2-induced global warming will increase the number of hurricanes in the future, the search for such effect on Atlantic Ocean tropical cyclone frequency has so far remained elusive, reports CO2 Science.

And with the recent publication of Rojo-Garibaldi et al. (2016), it looks like climate alarmists will have to keep on looking, or accept the likelihood that something other than CO2 is at the helm in moderating Atlantic hurricane frequency.

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Government Climate Wars: Met Office versus NOAA

Written by The Global Warming Policy Forum

A story in the Sunday Times confirms that the UK Met Office does not accept Karl et al.’s denial of the global warming hiatus and acknowledges that, ‘the slowdown hasn’t gone away.’
Writing in this week’s New Scientist, Michael Mann claimed that the pause is an ‘utterly debunked idea’ and ‘in the final analysis was much ado about nothing,’ and a ‘favourite climate contrarian talking point.’

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