Author Archive

The Netherlands Is On Fire And Famine Is Around The Corner

Written by PSI Editor

dutch farmers protest

Gonzalo Lira is an American-born Chilean who is currently living in Ukraine. For those living in the U.S. and the rest of Europe, you probably have no idea that in the Netherlands there are numerous riots and protests breaking out. All in the name of appeasing the climate-change gods.

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Why Peer Review Is Not Science

Written by PSI Editor

allen savory

Peer review is just a racket for gatekeepers to scam exorbitant publication fees while pretending to offer a service. This powerful interview featuring Allen Savory (pictured) shows how students learn/experience science nowadays (actually the wrong way).

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In Memory, Zev Zelenko 1973-2022

Written by Steve Kirsch


Early this morning I was informed that my friend Zev Zelenko had died at the young age of 48 after a long battle with cancer.

Zev had a heart of gold and was never afraid to speak the truth.

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