Author Archive

McKinsey: The Company That Poisoned America

Written by PSI Editor and Jake Tran

Oxycontin bottle pills

Imagine you’re McKinsey in the early 2000s. You’re a ruthless consulting firm that puts sales and capital above all else and you’ve just found the perfect client: Purdue Pharma, maker of the world’s most addictive and profitable opioid product, Oxycontin.

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Fauci Complains That Americans Will Not “Adhere” To Authorities

Written by Steve Watson

Anthony Fauci

Anthony Fauci complained Monday that Americans are refusing to “adhere” to COVID restrictions while asserting that everyone should STILL be wearing masks indoors.

Fauci made the comments during an interview with Katie Couric, blaming “misinformation” for influencing people to ditch face coverings and avoid vaccines.

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How The EPA Spent 35 Years Killing The Diesel Engine

Written by PSI Editor and Bryce Cleveland


Through overreaching emissions standards, with little regard to how automotive manufacturers will meet these standards and who ultimately pays for it, which in the end is always the consumer, the EPA is trying to kill the diesel engine, an extension of one of man kind’s most important inventions.

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Doctor Deaths And DNA-Specific Weapons

Written by PSI Editor

Though only recently given any attention, doctors are dying suddenly in Ontario, Canada. Three of the deaths came from one hospital within days of each other. All apparently got the fourth booster shot.

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The Crisis Of Scientism

Written by PSI Editor

The chemical imbalance theory of depression is a bunch of cockamamie nonsense, a fake study led to billions of dollars in wasted Alzheimer’s research, and the solution to the global food crisis is not so simple.

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