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Was The Covid Pandemic A ‘Needed Crisis’?

Written by Dr. Ann Corson And Mingjia Jacky Guan

dr desmet

In an Epoch Health podcast, Dr. Ann Corson spoke with Prof. Dr. Mattias Desmet [pictured above], the world’s leading expert on the theory of mass formation and its application to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Trudeau’s Vaccine Mandates EXPOSED In Court Documents

Written by Clayton Morris and PSI Editor

trudeau wef

A new lawsuit shows that the Canadian government issued vaccine travel mandates before there was any science on the matter.

In fact, the Trudeau government decided on the mandates and then went looking for the science. That’s not how these things should go!

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Whistleblower: Military Covering Up COVID-19 Vax Injuries

Written by Joshua Philipp and PSI Editor

covid vial vaccine

The U.S. military is allegedly covering up data on injuries from the COVID-19 vaccines, according to a whistleblower.

Lt. Mark Bashaw, a preventive medicine officer with the U.S. Air Force, has stepped forward to reveal how vaccine injuries are being hidden from the public, and how the military’s database that tracks vaccine injuries has been altering data.

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Preventing Serious Harm After Getting Multiple Covid Vax Jabs

Written by Kenji Yamamoto

Recently, The Lancet published a study on the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines and the waning of immunity with time.

The study showed that immune function among vaccinated individuals 8 months after the administration of two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine was lower than that among the unvaccinated individuals.

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Attention To All Our Newsletter Email Subscribers

Written by John OSullivan


As some of you know, we use Google’s Feedburner to send out our daily newsletter. We have discontinued that service and are providing instructions on how to sign up for our new newsletter service. So why?

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Falsification Of Data Raises Serious Questions About Dr’s Involvement With Pfizer’s C19 Vax

Written by Tim Truth


A rather remarkable story broke this week. Dr. Deepak Kaushal, who oversees the Texas Biomedical Research Institute’s $40+ million Southwest Primate Research Center, which according to Science, “receives about $10 million in federal funding per year and houses about 2,500 marmosets, baboons, and macaques,” was credibly accused of research misconduct by the US Office of Research Integrity. He settled.

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