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What’s Behind Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, Mad Cow Disease, And Bizarre Blood Clots?

Written by Joshua Philipp


A phenomenon of strange deaths has fallen under the label of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS). The real cause of the deaths is unknown but is affecting young people primarily in their sleep.

The Spectator reports, “They simply do not wake up after going to bed, or collapse during the day,” and claims cases have been increasing.

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Tiptoeing Into Tyranny: Obedience And The Rise Of Authoritarianism

Written by PSI Editor and Academy Of Ideas

authoritarian state

‘Authoritarianism in religion and science, let alone politics, is becoming increasingly accepted, not particularly because so many people explicitly believe in it but because they themselves feel individually powerless and anxious. So what else can one do…except follow the mass political leader…or follow the authority of customs, public opinion, and social expectations…?’

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Massive Bio-Structures Found In Bodies Of The Vaccinated

Written by PSI Editor

bio structure

As more people die after getting the jab, autopsies are finding inexplicable anomalies in their bodies. Worse still, the bio-structures being found may be why the mortality rate has gone up in excess of 20 percent as confirmed by the CDC with a concomitant 10% increase in disability claims.

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