New Study: Climate Models are ‘Prone to Errors’
Written by Aaron Sidder
Written by Aaron Sidder
Written by Dr Benny Peiser
Mid-September we can see the long-predicted collapse of Arctic ice is postponed for yet another year. Arctic ice is presently 472.000 km^2 more than in 2007, and 1.2 million km^2 more than the record-setting 2012. —Ron Clutz, Science Matters, 1 September 2018
Written by University of California - Berkeley
While bacteria that produce electricity have been found in exotic environments like mines and the bottoms of lakes, scientists have missed a source closer to home: the human gut.
Written by Cell Press
Twenty years ago, researchers made the accidental discovery that the now infamous plastics ingredient known as bisphenol A or BPA had inadvertently leached out of plastic cages used to house female mice in the lab, causing a sudden increase in chromosomally abnormal eggs in the animals.
Written by John O'Sullivan
A new type of super weapon — weather control to inflict catastrophic damage and loss of life – is likely real. But is this mega-bomb being deployed today in a stealth war between the US and the ‘Deep State’?
Written by chaamjamal
Written by Dr Tim Ball (Climatologist)
“The CO2 error is the root of the biggest scam in the history of the world, and has already bilked nations and citizens out of trillions of dollars, while greatly enriching the perpetrators. In the end, their goal is global Technocracy (aka Sustainable Development), which grabs and sequesters all the resources of the world into a collective trust to be managed by them.” ⁃ TN Editor
Written by Michael Guillen Ph.D
Shakespeare’s Juliet was being decidedly unscientific when she proclaimed, “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose/ By any other name would smell as sweet.” In science, classifications – the names given to things – are of cardinal importance, as evidenced by the newest, fiery disagreement about whether Pluto is a planet.
Written by WUWT
WUWT nicely exposes CNN and The Weather Channel in their shameless lies and misrepresentations on Hurricane Florence. Anthony Watts reports:
Written by Ryan Gaydos
The temporary closure of a New Mexico observatory last week sparked wide-ranging theories, especially after reports that federal authorities were involved.
The Sunspot Solar Observatory, located near the Sacramento Mountains, closed over an unspecified security issue, the facility said in a statement posted to Facebook on Sunday.
Written by David Kreutzer
In today’s hyper-politicized world of climate science, hardly a thunderstorm passes without somebody invoking the “scientists say” trope to blame it on carbon emissions.
The logic seems to be: If it’s bad, it was caused by carbon emissions, and we are only going to see more and worse. More and worse floods, droughts, tornadoes, and of course, hurricanes.
Written by Dr Klaus L E Kaiser
Who would have thunk that – the venerable ZIPPO lighter on the way to the dust heap? You still can buy them on the web. Some models (pun intended) may set you back hundreds of greenbacks. In any event, there is a bewildering array of such lighter designs. According to Wiki, there is/was even a solid gold (18k) version, to be had for around $12,000.
Written by Ryan Gallagher
Senior Google research scientist has quit the company in protest over its plan to launch a censored version of its search engine in China.
Jack Poulson worked for Google’s research and machine intelligence department, where he was focused on improving the accuracy of the company’s search systems.
Written by James Shaw
[PSI Editor’s note: this article is posted as an example of climate cult lunacy, we in no way endorse the claims herein]
At this time of year, stargazers in the southern hemisphere can see a constellation that marks a time of remembrance, celebration and renewal. It’s called Pleiades – known as the Seven Sisters, or Matariki to New Zealanders. It has a similar name (and significance) in other Pacific cultures, from the early Polynesian word mataliki, meaning minute, small.
Written by Pavel Kalenda
Study finds that the heat stored in the continental crust shows that the currently existing climate changes are caused by natural origin, not mankind.
We developed a recursive procedure, which allows estimation of the part of solar energy accumulated in the Earth ́s crust and estimation of the halftime of the heat radiation/accumulation parameter.
This kind of parameter can show time during which one half of the accumulated energy is released back to space. The theoretical relationships were verified by the long-term pedology measurements.
Written by Edwin Berry
BUSTED: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) simply assumes nature treats human-produced and nature-produced carbon dioxide differently. This assumption is wrong because it violates the Equivalence Principle.