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How Dumb is BBC Science Reporting?

Written by John O'Sullivan

Scientists outside the sway (pay?) of Establishment media know just how ill-informed and gullible are most mainstream science journalists. A case in point is the BBC’s bedwetting coverage of ‘man-made global warming’ – the biggest con job of all time,  yet too often swallowed hook line and sinker.

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Beware the Coming Fourth Industrial Revolution

Written by John O'Sullivan

Most People Don’t Even Realize What’s Coming – universal automation, universal biological microchip implants, 5G, unbridled robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, quantum computing, biotechnology, The Internet of Things (IoT), 3D printing and autonomous vehicles.

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Education System Failing Students in Critical Reasoning Skills

Written by Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz

Researchers have shown that most students today are weak in critical thinking skills. They do poorly on simple logical reasoning tests (Evans, 2002). Only a fraction of graduating high school seniors (6 percent of 12th graders) can make informed, critical judgments about written text (Perie, Grigg, and Donahue, 2005).

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Magma is a Substance

Written by Anthony Bright-Paul

Magma is a substance that is hot, but when it is erupted out of a volcano it cools and is called lava. Water is a substance and can be either hot or cold. Air is also a substance and can be warm or very chilly.

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Global Fertility Rates Cut In Half Since 1950

Written by Dr Benny Peiser


The world’s total fertility rate has been cut in half since 1950, but the population is still rising, according to a study published Thursday in The Lancet. The total fertility rate — or the average number of children a woman would have if she lived through all her reproductive years — declined from 4.7 live births in 1950 to 2.4 in 2017. —Michael Nedelman, CNN, 9 November 2018

The old, discredited narrative was:

Population will inevitably and completely outstrip whatever small increases in food supplies we make. The death rate will increase until at least 100-200 million people per year will be starving to death during the next ten years.Paul Ehrlich, April 1970

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California’s Forced Vaccinations a Violation of Nuremberg Code

Written by Roger Landry

Concerns are mounting among scientists that the recent implementation of SB277 making vaccinations mandatory law in California for men, women and children is a chilling step towards universal compulsory vaccination.

Coupled with the fact governments and multi-national pharmaceutical companies are being prosecuted and convicted over poorly-tested and administered vaccines, suggests a crisis is coming.

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U.S. Government Defeated in Vaccine Safety Lawsuit

Written by Erin Elizabeth

US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is defeated in lawsuit which exposed vaccine safety violations.  The civil court action was brought by Del Bigtree, the founder of Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Activist attorney RFK Jr. claims vindication in showing that “vaccine safety” as we know it is nothing more than a sham.

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Scientists to bottle solar energy and turn it into liquid fuel?

Written by Wayt Gibbs

Image: Professor Kasper Moth-Poulsen holding a tube containing the catalyst
What if we could bottle solar energy so it could be used to power our homes and factories even when the sun doesn’t shine?
(Above) Professor Kasper Moth-Poulsen holding a tube containing the catalyst in front of the ultra-high-vacuum setup that was used to measure the heat release gradient in the molecular solar thermal energy storage system. Johan Bodell

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Climate Alarmists: Global Warming Will Cause Rat Apocalypse!

Written by Thomas D Williams PhD

new york rats

Man-made climate change is causing increased “rat fecundity,” an essay warns, which, in turn, threatens to escalate into a full-blown “rat explosion.”

“As the climate warms, rats in New York, Philadelphia and Boston are breeding faster — and experts warn of a population explosion,” writes Faye Flam for Bloomberg.

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The Overlooked Downside Of Ethanol

Written by Robert Rapier

corn ethanol refinery

Ethanol can cause corrosion of metal parts, including carburetors, degradation of plastic and rubber components, harder starting, and reduced engine life.

Ethanol is known to damage small gasoline-powered engines, such as those in lawnmowers and leaf blowers. Consumer Reports explains:

A Department of Energy study found that E15 caused hotter operating temperatures, erratic running, and engine-part failure. But even gas with the usual 10 percent ethanol (E10) could help destroy small engines.

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