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Study: No gene associated with being gay

Written by BBC

Rainbow flag at a gay pride paradeImage copyright GETTY IMAGES

A genetic analysis of almost half a million people has concluded there is no single “gay gene”.

The study, published in Science, used data from the UK Biobank and 23andMe, and found some genetic variants associated with same-sex relationships.

But genetic factors accounted for, at most, 25% of same-sex behaviour.

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Video: What Archaeologists Don’t Want You To Know

Written by Graham Hancock

Comet impact 'linked' to rise of mammals - BBC News

Graham Hancock discusses the evidence for a cataclysmic event 12,800 years ago which, he says, many academics would rather you didn’t know about. This short video is an introduction to a fascinating new theory of mass extinction due to a comet impact that ended the last ice age.

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Peer Review Perpetuates Massive Scientific Fraud

Written by Joseph E Postma

In this video I expose, with first-hand evidence, that the peer-review method of modern science is no guarantor of truth, and that peer-review now actively perpetuates and sustains the greatest intellectual and scientific fraud in history.

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Exposed: Junk Science Lies About Amazon Rainforest Fire

Written by Michael Shellenberger

Why Is the Amazon Rainforest on Fire?

The increase in fires burning in Brazil set off a storm of international outrage last week. Celebrities, environmentalists, and political leaders blame Brazilian president, Jair Bolsonaro, for destroying the world’s largest rainforest, the Amazon, which they say is the “lungs of the world.”

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What’s Really Driving The Climate Hysteria Machine

Written by Sanjeev Sabhlok

climate protest march

We know there is simply no basis for climate alarm.

All “scientific” predictions have failed, life has survived happily with much higher CO2 in the past, the medieval warming period a thousand years ago was much warmer than today.

The small temperature variations of the 20th century are easily explained by natural causes, and the IPCC reports confirm that there is no increase in extreme weather events and no economic harm from CO2.

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NASA: 2019 Amazon Wildfire Activity Below Average

Written by Robert Walker

fires amazon rainforest

Update Aug. 26, 2019: This article has been updated with new information from NASA that’s been posted at Science 2.0. You can read it here.

Short summary: We have had wildfires for many years now in the Amazon, even in the tropical rainforest – mainly started by humans for forest clearing and ranching.

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The Greatest Scientific Fraud of All Time

Written by Joseph E Postma

In this video you’re going to learn about the greatest fraud which has ever, and which could ever, occur in science.  The audacity of the fraud is matched only by its simplicity.

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Funding the Climate-Industrial Complex

Written by Tom D. Tamarkin

Why Big Green energy investors rely on the man-made global warming myth

Supposedly “green” or “renewable” energy has become a trillion-dollar-plus annual industry that has spawned tens of thousands of new businesses worldwide. The total Climate-Industrial Complex is a $2-trillion-per-year business. Major fossil fuel companies like Shell Energy now have green energy divisions.

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RICO Racketeering Probe Beckons after Michael Mann’s Court Defeat

Written by John O'Sullivan

Michael Mann’s defeat in the Supreme Court of British Columbia in the ‘science trial of the century’ may be about to have criminal repercussions south of the border in the United States.

As the dust settles after that astonishing Dismissal last Friday of Mann’s libel suit versus Tim Ball, legal analysts foresee a deeper crisis brewing for Penn State bad boy, Mann and other government-funded co-conspirators.

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Climatic Effects of Manmade Carbon Dioxide

Written by Bud Bromley & Tom D. Tamarkin

Abstract: Carbon dioxide is the “gas of life” providing the carbon on which all plant and animal life on earth is based.

The IPCC and the anthropogenic climate change community have asserted that carbon dioxide or CO2 is a pollutant because it enables global warming or climate change.

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BBC – lying by omission again

Written by Roger Higgs DPhil Oxford

More needs to be done to help expose this typical example of contemptible disingenuity by the BBC  who have trumpeted another one of their ‘hottest day ever!’ fake claims upon an especially pleasant late August public holiday.
Prominently posted on the BBC website today is ‘UK weather: Hottest late August Bank Holiday Monday on record.’

“On Sunday, the record for the late August Bank Holiday weekend was broken, when temperatures reached 33.3C (91.94F) in west London”.

“West London”? Who are they trying to kid?  Do they think we’re all stupid?

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