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Swedish Scientist: Cannibalism will Fight Climate Change

Written by Chris Tomlinson

Human Meat being Sold for $6000 in Nigeria - IBTimes India

Swedish behavioural scientist Magnus Söderlund has suggested that eating other people after they die could be a means of combatting climate change.

The scientist mentioned the possibility of cannibalism during a broadcast on Swedish television channel TV4 this week about a fair in Stockholm regarding “food of the future”.

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Chemical Expert: Possible US Complicity in Skripal Poisoning

Written by John O'Sullivan

Russian spy Sergei Skripal: Cop poisoned in Salisbury ...

Dr Busby says a few words about the Russian Nerve Agent issue. He speaks as an expert in this area.

Chris worked for several years at the famous Wellcome Research laboratories in Beckenham, London as a Senior Scientist in the Department of Physical Chemistry. His job, at the basic level, was to help determine the structure and origin of pharmaceutical compounds. So, he is an expert in this area.

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Real Climate Physics vs. Fake Political Physics

Written by Joseph E Postma

In this video I answer a question from a previous upload where a commentator asks about the origin and meaning of the oft-quoted “-18C solar input” which I frequently refer to.

In answering the question I give a mini science lesson comparing rational and good physics to the fake physics of political climate science.

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Rice Reactor Turns ‘Greenhouse Gas’ into Pure Liquid Fuel

Written by Mike Williams Rice University

Photo by Jeff Fitlow

A common ‘greenhouse gas’ could be repurposed in an efficient and environmentally friendly way with an electrolyzer that uses renewable electricity to produce pure liquid fuels.

Rice postdoctoral researcher Chuan Xia, left, and chemical and biomolecular engineer Haotian Wang adjust their electrocatalysis reactor to produce liquid formic acid from carbon dioxide.

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What’s Wrong with Academics – New Book

Written by Joseph E Postma

Someone asked me in the comments what must be wrong with academic scientists for them having such difficulty with comprehension of basic physics.  This was my reply and it sets the scene for the following book-link afterwards:

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Living Room Instead of Greenhouse Model?

Written by Sjaak Uitterdijk

a manhattan rooftop apartment with greenhouse room ...

About 5 years ago I was convinced that global warming could not be caused by the Green house effect.

After all, in the last 200 years it has happened four times that the global temperature dropped while the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere kept rising.

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If Environmentalism is a Religion, Climate Change is Original Sin

Written by Francis Arouet

You Can Take Action Against Employees For Their Political ...

Numerous individuals have observed that environmentalism as practiced by certain activists is a religion see Rubin, C. T. (1998).  The green crusade: Rethinking the roots of environmentalism. Rowman & Littlefield.

Specifically, environmentalists do not view the world through a complex empirically based lens but instead view issues in simple emotionally motivated terms.

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1,200 Papers Affirm Medieval Warm Period Was Global

Written by Pierre Gosselin

08 | January | 2013

More than 1,200 publications show the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) was global – an embarrassment to global warming alarmists who claimed it was regional.

Global-warming-alarmist scientists like claiming that the well-documented Medieval Warm Period (MWP) was mostly a regional, North Atlantic phenomenon, and was not global, and so we should just move along and stop questioning man-made global warming.

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