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Aussie Police Begin Massive Arson Investigation Into Bushfires

Written by Simon Kent

australia fires police

Police in five Australian states have begun investigations into alleged arsonists responsible for helping fuel the deadly bushfires that have wracked the country this summer.

On Monday, police in NSW reported they had already caught 24 alleged firebugs accused of deliberately lighting bushfires in a catastrophic season that has so far killed 18 people in the country’s most populous state.

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The Black Hole Image – Data Fabrication Masterclass!

Written by Pierre-Marie Robitaille, Ph.D

In his latest video Professor Pierre-Marie Robitaille, Ph.D  deftly exposes the recent fake science claims about an ‘image’ of a black hole.  Calling out what is clearly data manipulation, any reasonable viewer can agree this “photo” is NOT the greatest achievement of 2019.

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The Insane True Cause of Australia’s Bush Fires

Written by Giordano Bruno*

I already authored several scientific papers about the need to keep the bush clean in Australia, but scientific management seems to have been forgotten by the politically corrected climate alarmists who play everything to their only advantage, including catastrophic bush fires.

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Nobel Prize-winning scientist Frances Arnold retracts paper

Written by BBC

Frances Arnold in her laboratoryImage copyright MILLENNIUM PRIZE
Image caption Prof Arnold works in the department of chemical engineering at Caltech

American scientist Frances Arnold, who won the Nobel Prize for chemistry, has retracted her latest paper. Prof Arnold shared the award with George P Smith and Gregory Winter for their research on enzymes in 2018.

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Evidence points to ‘iron snow’ falling on Earth’s inner core

Written by Michael Irving

Geologists have found evidence to suggest "iron snow" falls in the Earth's core

Geologists have found evidence to suggest “iron snow” falls in the Earth’s core

A team of geologists from China and the US have found evidence to suggest that snow may be falling within the broiling hot core of planet Earth. Of course, this isn’t your everyday surface snow – the researchers say that these flakes would be made of iron alloys, gently settling down onto the solid inner core through the more fluid outer core.

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5 scientific myths you probably believe about the Universe

Written by Ethan Siegel

The clustering of galaxies in the Universe on the largest observable scales, where each pixel represents a galaxy. Image credit: Michael Blanton and SDSS collaboration.

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Effects of the Solar Wind (video)

Written by NASA

Play Solar Tricktionary! :: NASA Space Place

The wind speed of a devastating Category 5 hurricane can top over 150 miles per hour (241km/hour.) Now imagine another kind of wind with an average speed of 0.87 million miles per hour (1.4 million km/hour.)

Welcome to the wind that begins in our Sun and doesn’t stop until after it reaches the edge of the heliosphere: the solar wind.

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Tidal forces carry the mathematical signature of gravitational waves

Written by Emerging Technology from the arXiv

gravitational waves

In February 2016, an international team of physicists announced the first direct observation of gravitational waves. The waves had been produced by the gigantic collision of a pair of black holes, each about 30 times the mass of the sun—a smash so cataclysmic that it sent ripples through the fabric of spacetime.

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Humans First!

Written by G.C. Beaujon

How much of our humanity are we willing to lose? It would appear that this question is becoming most pertinent in our age. But another, more fundamental, question foregrounds this one – what is a human being? Are people bio-mass? If so, then only one idea is required to exist on this planet, namely, how best to manage populations.

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