Ask the IPCC to provide substantive proof that what has been observed is caused by the 1% human CO2 additions to the trillions of tonnes circulating through the atmosphere, are not precipitated, are not used by photosynthesis, are not acidifying the colder parts of the ocean and are warming the planet instead.
It is with much pleasure that we can report that eminent Canadian lawyer and former government minister, James G Matkin, joins the battle to expose climate fraud with a new paper highlighting important discoveries discrediting global warming talking points.
I’m fed up to the back teeth with sleezy politicians, lying climate scientists and every tom, dick, harry & lisa telling me on twitter, tv and the news and the internet that climate change is real and it is caused by CO2.
Movie star Gary Cooper (1901-1961) might find it difficult to decide what to aim for in the up-and-coming contest. There’ll soon be more than ONE villain on the road …
Winter hasn’t even officially arrived, but already large areas of the northern hemisphere are seeing “historic snowfalls,” frigid temperatures, and even avalanche alarms.
On November 13th, the BBC website carried an article about the flooding in Venice, quoting the Mayor Luigi Brugnaro. He said “Now the government must listen. These are the effects of climate change… the costs will be high.”
Today, Facebook blocked users from reading content posted on the site by independent body, Principia Scientific International (PSI), a registered UK non-profit listed at Companies House as a provider of educational services.
Check the Facebook black listing of PSI atthis link.
We contacted Facebook immediately for an explanation, as there was no notification or warning that PSI had been in violation of any terms of service.
CNN, among other bedwetting mainstream outlets, is again hard at work hyping how humans are destroying the planet. Here is their latest really, really scary offering:
It’s being called the unnoticed apocalypse: The number of insects is declining rapidly and 41% of bug species face extinction, scientists say.
Human genetic editing has become a reality. This terrifying advance in technology comes with high risks to not only those children who are genetically modified (without their permission I might add,) but to the whole human race. The repercussions of such meddling are far-reaching and potentially devastating.
Matt McGrath gives top billing to the latest piece of junk science:
The biggest and most damaging hurricanes are now three times more frequent than they were 100 years ago, say researchers.
Using a new method of calculating the destruction, the scientists say the increase in frequency is “unequivocal”. Previous attempts to isolate the impact of climate change on hurricanes have often come up with conflicting results.
But the new study says the increase in damage caused by these big cyclones is linked by global warming.
This 12-slide presentation, designed for scientists and non-scientists alike, takes no more than 30 minutes to fully absorb.
By the end, you will know that the United Nations INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE (IPCC) IS GUILTY OF TWO COLOSSAL SCIENTIFIC BLUNDERS, the most expensive mistakes of all time, costing society trillions of wasted dollars ‘tackling’ innocent CO2.
First, physically, radiation, the electromagnetic continuous spectrum, is clearly observed to simply be a continuum of frequencies of oscillation of all the bonds holding matter together.
Radiation cannot be waves, as currently assumed, because waves describe the deformation of a medium and there is no medium in space. Radiation does not have a physical property of wavelength, as widely assumed.
The two recent dry summers seen in Europe have led to alarmists believing that climate doomsday has arrived. But The European Institute for Climate and Energy (EIKE) looks at the past to see if this sort of thing is really unusual.