We have been asked to provide our UK readers with advice regarding how to legally refuse to wear a mask in any public spaces, public transport, shops, etc. The anti-science mask mandate was recently imposed on citizens by politicians claiming it is necessary to fight the COVID19 pandemic.
British Anti-5G campaigner, Mark Steele. who won a landmark court case last year exposing the dangers to humans of the radiation from 5G millimeter waves, gives a no-holds-barred interview on BBC radio calling out the “criminals” pushing this untested technology.
Students at a Cambridge college have received a coronavirus “Community Statement” that they must sign and adhere to or risk being ejected from college accommodation. Lockdown Sceptics has seen the draconian rules issued by Trinity College to its students and it’s a shocker.
Principia Scientific International, among others, has long been warning about the sinister weaponization of the 5G (millimeter wave) system.
Finally, the mainstream media are waking up to deadly dangers of this new technology. 5G was never really about giving you faster download speeds – the real purpose is as a weapon of mass control.
The magazine Scientific American backed 2020 Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden in its first-ever presidential endorsement in the magazine’s 175-year history.
While wildfires in the Western U.S. continue to rage, satellite observations over the last 20 years have revealed a decreasing trend in global wildfires. What’s going on?
At the top of Google News searches today for “climate change,” an article published by the website Pro Publica claims global warming during the next few decades will force millions of Americans from warm southern states to cooler states.
I have spoken to dozens of friends, colleagues and family members in the past week to ask if ANYONE has been aware of the UK Government’s public consultation on the planned (mandatory, unsafe, untested) vaccine roll out.
On September 9th, The Telegraph published an article on its website with the title Under cover of Covid, the Government has launched an all-out assault on British civil liberties which criticizes the government’s response to the Covid ‘crisis’ and its restrictions placed on the British public. All articles on the Telegraph website are behind a paywall, but I have obtained a copy of the text, and I reproduce it here in its entirety.
We are entering a Grand Solar Minimum where the number of solar flares is greatly reduced for an extended period of time. This provides an opportunity to study the relationship between the weather on Earth and the sun as any changes will become more evident as conditions exceed the normal variations we experience. I will do a foolish thing and make long term predictions on the coming weather.
If you are between the ages of 20 and 40 your risk of dying from COVID-19 is the same as your chance of dying from playing football. If you’re between the ages of 15 and 24 you’re more likely to be fatally afflicted by falling down the stairs than by COVID-19.
The post-covid-19 world is a surrealistic nightmare. Businesses have been shut down arbitrarily without any evidence that these shutdowns save any lives. Tens of millions of Americans have become unemployed due to these shutdowns. There are already demands for mandatory covid-19 vaccination even before a vaccine is available.
A study commissioned by Revolver News concludes that COVID-19 lockdowns are ten times more deadly than the actual COVID-19 virus in terms of years of life lost by American citizens.
What is Glutathione? Glutathione is your body’s most potent antioxidant. It is naturally created in your body from high sulphur foods (garlic, onions, broccoli, cabbage, etc). People with compromised immune systems (Cancer, other illnesses) and overweight folks with bad diets are notorious for having severe Glutathione deficiency.
On Sunday afternoon we asked how long before the twitter account of the “rogue” Chinese virologist, Dr. Li-Meng Yan, who yesterday “shocked” the world of establishment scientists and other China sycophants, by publishing a “smoking gun” scientific paper demonstrating that the Covid-19 virus was manmade, is “silenced.”
Honest, hard-working medical professionals disgusted at our corrupt governments for pushing the endless lies about the ‘dangerous’ COVID19 pandemic are increasingly speaking out. We salute them. But as they speak out, they are having their medical licenses suspended, careers threatened, incomes curtailed and reputations blighted.