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COVID Insanity: UK’s Legalisation of Home Abortions is Killing Women

Written by Caroline Farrow

Abortion in Britain has been legal for 53 years since the Abortion Act was passed: a piece of legislation that has been responsible for the destruction of an estimated 9.5 million unborn lives.

The Act was supposedly intended to prevent ‘unsafe’ abortion, so why, 53 years later in 2020, are women dying in the UK after having an abortion?

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COVID19 Fail: Dr Fauci’s Remdesivir ‘Falls Flat’

Written by The Highwire with Del Bigtree

In April, Dr. Fauci said the repurposed antiviral, Remdesivir, showed a “clear-cut, significant, positive effect in diminishing the time to recovery.” However, the WHO has now released the findings of its ‘Solidarity Trial,’ encompassing 400 hospitals around the world. Results indicatel the drug has ‘fallen flat,’ prompting the WHO to declare it has “little to no effect” on hospitalized COVID-19 patients.

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Former top judge brands COVID19 curbs tyrannical

Written by Steve Doughty, Daily Mail

Lockdowns and other Government-imposed Covid curbs contain all the ingredients of totalitarianism, a former Supreme Court judge warns. Orders to remain at home and rafts of new laws to restrict what people can do amount to a ‘breathtaking’ infringement of democratic rights, advises Lord Sumption.

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COVID: UK Gyms Defiant Despite Armed Police Threats to Close

Written by John O'Sullivan

Nick Whitcombe, the owner of Body Tech Fitness Gym and Raw Iron Clothing in Liverpool, UK recently made national headlines after the armed police attended his gym and issued him with a £1,000 fine after refusing to close in response to new lockdown rules.

But defiantly, he fought back and People Power is helping face down unscientific tyrannical government policy.

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9 Covid Facts: A Pandemic Of Fearmongering And Ignorance

Written by Jeff Harris 

Ever since the alleged pandemic erupted this past March the mainstream media has spewed a non-stop stream of misinformation that appears to be laser focused on generating maximum fear among the citizenry.

But the facts and the science simply don’t support the grave picture painted of a deadly virus sweeping the land.

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COVID UK: Summonses To Be Issued Against Every Criminal MP

Written by The Bernician

The barrister we have engaged is preparing to have summonses issued against every MP charged in the Private Criminal Prosecution, which alleges multiple COVID-1984 crimes against the People.

They will lay the information as soon as the drafting of the paperwork is completed and the summonses will be issued on the same day, requiring every defendant to appear in court to answer to the charges soon afterwards.

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