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The Strangely Unscientific Masking of America

Written by Jenin Younes

I remember vividly the day, at the tail end of March, when facemasks suddenly became synonymous with morality: either one cared about the lives of others and donned a mask, or one was selfish and refused to do so. The shift occurred virtually overnight.

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Mars Was Once Hit By Flood of Unthinkable Proportions

Written by Sputnik

The fourth planet from the Sun is the most studied planet after Earth, yet now and then astrophysicists discover something new. The researchers who conducted this study say their finding could answer the long-standing question of whether the Red Planet ever hosted life.

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COVIDGATE (Part Two): Clinical Trials and Crusader Bias

Written by Michelle Malkin

Participants in Pfizer and Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials can’t stop blabbing. The media is overflowing with testimonials explaining “Why I Volunteered” or “What It Was Like To Participate In The Clinical Trial For Moderna’s COVID-19 Vaccine.”

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COVIDGATE: The Corruption of Clinical Trials (Part One)

Written by Michelle Malkin

“Truly striking.” “Tremendous.” “Extraordinary.” “Miraculous.” “A great day for science and humanity.” Those are just a few of the hyperbolic responses from government health officials and Big Pharma cheerleaders to preliminary COVID vaccine trial data released by Pfizer and Moderna this past week.

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We Can’t Allow Coronavirus Politics to Dictate Science

Written by Ron Paul

In these past couple of weeks, two important studies have been published that could dramatically increase our understanding of COVID-19.

Adding to the science of how we understand and treat this disease is something that should be welcomed, because properly understood it can save lives.

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Body Electric Secrets

Written by Joseph A Olson, PE

Some physicians are more than robotic, pill pushing clinicians, some are medical scientists. One such doctor was Dr Robert O Becker, MD, an orthopedic surgeon at the Veterans Administration hospital, affiliated with Syracuse University.

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