As my co-authors of the ground breaking books ‘Slaying the Sky Dragon’ and ‘The Sky Dragon Slayers: Victory Lap‘ predicted (images above), it was only a matter of time before even government climate scientists would see that the greenhouse gas theory was wrong: carbon dioxide is NOT the climate’s control knob.
I’ve been suspicious from the start. Back in March, when this novel virus first swept in from the East and countries across Europe started bolting their doors even before cases mounted, I remember saying to people, ‘Blimey, what aren’t they telling us yet?’
A famous quote by Franklin D. Roosevelt is “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” He understood that fear is ultimately what strips us of our human rights and drives a society into totalitarianism, and that the only way to circumvent such a fate is to bravely resist fear. Today, one of the biggest threats (or so we’re told) is a global pandemic.
Those who can use their power and wealth to control us will always use and abuse science and technology for the furtherance of their agenda and preservation of their hegemony, as revealed by famous political figures:
People living in the western world are in the greatest fight for the future of pluralist and republican forms of governance since the rise and fall of fascism 75 years ago. As then, society had to be built up from a war.
Remember when Dr. Fauci was telling us that we were too stupid to do lockdowns right, and that Italy did it the correct way?
“When we shut down as a nation,” he said in July, “in reality only about 50% of the nation shut down … In many of the European countries, 90, 95% of all activities were shut down. So that is one of the reasons why [in Italy] the cases came down…and then stayed.”
According to the non-partisan education news website The 74, the two factors most closely correlated with school re-openings are the share of the local vote that went to President Donald Trump in 2016, and the degree to which teachers belong to unions.
Lower support for Trump tends to be correlated with longer school closures, and higher union concentration is also correlated with longer school closures — though correlation is not necessarily causation.
Since my PhD on the Control of Infectious Diseases in Australia was published in January 2016 my research has been ridiculed, denigrated and censored by the mainstream media. The Australian government and medical-industry representatives have contributed to this denigration and there has been no public debate of this scientific information.
The largest corn harvest in history is among the reasons the International Grains Council (IGC) is forecasting record total grains production in 2020-21.
According to the IGC’s Grain Market Review, released Aug. 27, total global grains production will reach 2.230 billion tonnes this marketing year, up 50 million tonnes from the July forecast and 9% higher than the previous year (2.181 billion tonnes).
Principia Scientific International is looking for volunteers in the UK to help expose the extent of the apparent NHS fraud over home COVID19 test kits. We were asked to follow up the matter after receiving a tip about an eye-opening video posted online by Luke Pompey (see below)
New study posted at documents that most small islands are growing, not losing land to sea-level rise, and island nations are attracting growing populations rather than shedding climate refugees.
The new climate summary drives a stake into the heart of alarmist assertions that climate change and rising seas are threatening island nations and their populations.
As the globe [moderately warms] since the end of the Little Ice Age, alarms have been sounded worldwide concerning retreating glaciers. The reason for the warming remains hotly disputed: alarmists blame it on man-made CO2 while skeptics say natural factors are just as much at play, if not more so.