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100,000 Doctors & Medical Professionals Oppose COVID-19 Vaccine

Written by Dr Andrew Kaufman

Doctors are now uniting against the pre planned and fabricated plandemic, which is quickly turning into a full genocidal push across the world.

Over 100,000 doctors and various health professionals have now united against the government planned genocide, with the pharmaceutical giants ready to start the slaughter in the long term care homes via an untested vaccine that purposely skipped animal trials.

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Iceland Now Colder, Icier Than In Last 8,000 Years

Written by Kenneth Richard

A wealth of new research in glacier and sea ice extent shows modern Iceland is 2-4°C colder than all of the last 8,000 years except for a slightly colder late 19th century. Even the 1700s were warmer with less ice than today in and around Iceland.

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The virus is your fault

Written by Tom Woods

Political leaders have been ordering soul-crushing shutdowns yet again. When I try to explain that these measures don’t seem to accomplish anything, since places that don’t do them get similar results, I get reader feedback saying: don’t bother making this argument. The political class has a secret agenda it’s pushing, and it’s not about a virus.

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Official Emails Reveal How ‘Natural Origin’ of COVID19 Was Spun

Written by Sainath Suryanarayanan

Newly obtained emails offer glimpses into how a narrative of certainty developed about the natural origins of the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, while key scientific questions remained. The internal discussions and an early draft of a scientists’ letter show experts discussing gaps in knowledge and unanswered questions about lab origin, even as some sought to tamp down on “fringe” theories about the possibility the virus came from a lab.

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An Explanation of Viruses for the Lay Person

Written by Chris Marcil

It is well known that there is a high number of germs that are found in people who are sick. It is normally assumed that the pathogen enters the body which then makes them sick. However, being ill doesn’t mean that the germ entered first.

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Are Temperatures & Sea Levels Rising Dangerously? No!

Written by Dominick T. Armentano

There are two widely held climate-change beliefs that are simply not accurate. The first is that there has been a statistically significant warming trend in the U.S. over the last 20 years. The second is that average ocean levels are rising alarmingly due to man-made global warming.

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Can COVID Vaccines Be Mandated?

Written by Children's Health Defense Team

Everyone has questions about the coming COVID vaccines. Will they work? Will they be safe? And last but not least, will they be mandated? Will they be mandated on the federal level or by state? Can an employer mandate vaccines?

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A Drug for Animals Now Taken by Humans for Cancer: Fenbendazole

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Previously, we discussed on this website the anti-worm drug Mebendazole (Ref.), which based on a good amount of scientific and clinical evidence, shows relevant anti cancer potential. However, as we saw, it’s not only science. Instead, there are case reports published in peer review papers showing that patinets with some aggressive cancers have experienced great response to Mebendazole.

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