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Senior British Officials Stand Accused of Pandemic Fraud

Written by The Bernician

After yet more damning evidence arose last week, further additions had to be made to the court papers, which we are now aiming to lay in the coming week. The four defendants will be Matt Hancock, Chris Whitty, Patrick Vallance and Neil Ferguson, each of whom has inextricable and ultimately incriminating connections with Bill Gates and Big Pharma.

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Earth’s Missing Geothermal Flux

Written by Joseph A Olson, PE

I have struggled with the ‘missing geothermal flux’ from Earth’s apparent gigantic fission energy for many years.  In a number of articles and in my chapter in the science textbook, “Slaying the Sky Dragon”, I have made the point that Earth’s fission rate changes are the most likely cause of the periodic fluctuation in ocean temperatures.

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The Challenge for the Climate Change Savants

Written by Joseph A Olson, PE

The accuracy of any future prediction is limited to the completeness of the current understanding, which is based on empirical measurements. You may sense hot and cold but until the invention of the thermometer you could not quantify temperature.

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The Flexner Report: An Impact on US Medical Education for a Century

Written by Thomas P. Duffy, MD

The Flexner Report of 1910 transformed the nature and process of medical education in America with a resulting elimination of proprietary schools and the establishment of the biomedical model as the gold standard of medical training. This transformation occurred in the aftermath of the report, which embraced scientific knowledge and its advancement as the defining ethos of a modern physician.

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The Great Vaccine Scam

Written by Vasko Kohlmayer

“South Africa suspends Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine rollout after researchers report minimal protection against variant” announces the headline of a recent Washington Post report.

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Influenza is the fruit of civilization

Written by Gennady Alimovich Ibraev

Diseases of this ailment are observed in all zones of the globe. Climate and weather do not play a decisive role in the occurrence of diseases and epidemics, according to statistics from 125 flu epidemics, there are 50 outbreaks in the winter period, 35 outbreaks in the spring, 24 in the autumn and 16 outbreaks in the summer.

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Is most published science WRONG? – the replication crisis

Written by Mallen Baker

It seems we have a problem. John Ioannidis said: “There is increasing concern that in modern research, false findings may be the majority or even the vast majority of published research claims.” Over 70% of researchers have tried and failed to reproduce another scientist’s experiments. 52% agreed that there is a replication crisis.

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Evidence Builds Against Bill Gates for Crimes Against Humanity

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Above: Bill Gates with Klaus Schwab, Founder of World Economic Forum
As scientists and doctors continue to warn of deadly, known problems in  coronavirus vaccine development, which are only apparent in the long-term after the exposure of vaccinated subjects to the wild, mutated virus, a long-suppressed documentary on Bill Gates shows Gates last year predicting an even worse pandemic than COVID-19, one that “will,” he says with emphasis, “get attention.”

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