Dr Vernon Coleman explains how this war has been planned for years. He details the many ways in which a corrupt and deceitful enemy has deliberately suppressed the truth and demonised truth-tellers to destroy their credibility. He also explains what must be done if we are to win this war.
The COVID19 fake pandemic has thrown up further doubts about the accepted science of germ theory and the key question of whether many supposed viral infections are really contagious diseases or not. In this video, Brendan D Murphy addresses some of the key points in this burgeoning debate.
Dr Lee Merritt speaks with Mike Adams about the potential dangers of a eugenicist and psychopathic global elite using a virus bioweapon as part of a pysops ploy to ‘vaccinate’ Americans and cause widespread sterilizations and death.
If you were wondering how far the CDC would go to hide and/or obfuscate the true numbers of adverse reactions to the dangerous experimental COVID19 jab take a look at this video.
The eugenicists in Britain’s NHS are worried that not enough suckers are volunteering to have the toxic experimental jab for COVID19 stuck in their arms that they are resorting to a desperate new marketing plan, as shown in this new video.
Britain’s most widely-read published medical doctor shares his valued expert insight as to where the mass ‘vaccination’ program of the global elites is headed: mass slaughter of the gullible and innocent by a new kind of bioweapon camouflaged so well by corrupt politicians and media.
Dr. McCullough, a professor of medicine who developed a globally acclaimed and highly successful COVID treatment protocol, insists that there are many unnecessary deaths as a result of policy decisions made at various levels of government.
A comprehensive review of the research literature has confirmed what many doctors have been claiming for a long time: ivermectin is an effective treatment of COVID-19. The peer-reviewed study, published in the American Journal of Therapeutics, examined a huge amount of evidence, including 18 randomised controlled treatment trials.
The CDC will soon be changing how they record covid-19 breakthrough cases. With this change, breakthrough infections in vaccinated individuals will no longer be recorded unless the infection results in hospitalization or death.
The tyrannical New Zealand Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern has finally decided to destroy her own citizens by forcing vaccines on ALL front line staff with a $4,000 fine if they fail to comply. Jacinda and Bill Gates have had many, many meetings with her, so she is likely part of the NWO and focused on drastic population reduction.
Alex Jones breaks down the MSM establishment propaganda pushing toxic chemicals on the public while lying to them about their safety and effectiveness.
Just more examples of how all types of administration errors are classified and credited to “Not Serious” or “None of Above”. What else could we expect when the deck is stacked to favor the outcome in every way…
New Zealand MD, Dr. Samantha Bailey, gives an excellent lesson in the various ways that we’re being lied to by our governments and “public health officials” about certain aspects of the Covid-19 narrative. Most of the tyrannical measures being imposed upon the world’s populations have been justified by the scientifically-bogus “asymptomatic transmission” principle and the bogus PCR tests being equated with “cases.”
If you are being coerced at work to take the experimental COVID jab, want to know what real doctors and lawyers have to say about your natural rights, we advise using the resources below provided by Doctors for Covid Ethics.
Note: Principia Scientific International is affiliated with Doctors for Covid Ethics and endorse their ongoing efforts.
Exposed: Secret policy to kill patients in UK’s NHS hospitals is a part of the nation’s unlawful response to the COVID19 pandemic. This is a terrible crime against humanity – a cynical cost-cutting policy – which Brits thought was outlawed 20 years ago. We were wrong.