After water, sand is the most exploited natural resource on the planet. However, its extraction from seas, rivers, beaches and quarries has an impact on the environment and surrounding communities.
Zinc has been acknowledged as an essential mineral for human health since the 1970s.1 It’s the second most abundant trace mineral found in the human body,2 but your body cannot store it very well, so you need to consume foods with zinc every day to meet your body’s needs.
A top trans psychologist who has helped hundreds of teens transition has warned it has ‘gone too far’ amid fears many youngsters are making life-changing decisions because it is ‘trendy’.
Written by Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO)
The first experimental evidence to validate a newly published universal law that provides insights into the complex energy states for liquids has been found using an advanced nuclear technique at ANSTO.
Dr Clifford Saunders, a pioneer in the field of neuroscience, explains how novel techniques in brainplasticity have improved the lives of sufferers of numerous ailments from eczema to depression, memory loss and more, in a fascinating two-hour free podcast interview on TNTRadio.
One of the world’s leading authorities on wireless radiation has documented the risks of 5G radiation in ‘the first book on 5G that outlines the potential dangers of 5G technology, both in Russia and overseas’.
A profound revelation in the debate between ‘fossil fuel’ theory versus abiotic theory comes this week from a top oil mogul, when discussing the Ukraine-Russia war energy crisis, he admits that oil is everywhere because “The Earth PRODUCES the oil!”
Renowned international military analyst, Scott Ritter, applies logic, reason and the scientific method to the Russia-Ukraine conflict to discern that the mainstream is lying about the massacre in Bucha. Ritter gave a detailed explanation of his analysis to respected independent journalist, Richard Medhurst in a telling youtube video today.
War in Ukraine has awakened many to the fragility of our dependency on hydro-carbon energy (so-called ‘fossil fuels’). In a two-hour TNTRadio podcast Principia Scientific International experts, Joe Postma and Joe Olson discuss with John O’Sullivan the lies and misrepresentations woven into the science.
At Principia Scientific International (PSI) the old financial year ends and a new one begins. As our mission expands, so grows our need for your financial help. Please review the successes of our work over the last year and consider making a much-needed donation TODAY and help expose science and medical fraud.
Dr Nisa Khan, a respected international pioneer in LED lighting, has triggered consternation in the scientific community. Herein, she provides further insights as to why LED car headlights are a major risk to public health.
Our recent warning over 5G, LED and electromagnetism dangers is causing a real stir! Joining us again on our weekly TNT Radio show (March 12, 2022) was Dr. Nisa Khan, an eminent international expert in this field of engineering to share the facts the mainstream media won’t report.
On the weekend of Equinox, 19/20 March, people from across the world will rise to demand an immediate halt to 5G on Earth and in Space for the sake of Public Health, Ecology and personal Freedom. Their message: “We do not consent to a few powerful technology and satellites companies dictating the future of all life on Earth.”
Last year a Principia Scientific International (PSI) article told of my two-year (unpaid) trial taking CBD supplements. We have published several articles on the proven scientific benefits (see below). For our UK readers, we post this further endorsement of the product I used, with a timely 10 percent discount on your purchase. I’m delighted with the results – so, what have you got to lose?
Scientists, researchers and industry experts at Principia Scientific International have been prominent in exposing the untold, unquantified risks to health of the global mass 5G rollout. Below, Sean Carney summarises 17 worrisome 5G environmental impacts.
As each month passes, the official data grows and it is showing that around one third of all patients treated with the anti-COVID drug, Remdesivir die. Dr Bryan Ardis cited official data from the government of New York State to prove what he and others predicted: Big Pharma and corrupt government is killing us.