Despite a high-flying career in international financing, Joel Smalley was driven to reveal the truth about COVID deaths, Big Pharma and the phony ‘Great Reset.’ He tells all on TNT Radio! Listen below.
As global pressures on industrial food producers becomes more intense, Zen Honeycutt, author and the Executive Director of Moms Across America, advocates for greater domestic food independence. Growing food for our families and ensuring access to food for all is becoming a key issue of our time.
All around the world, governments are crumbling. The only certainty is that the lies will be followed by more lies. Johnson has gone, drowned in a cess pit of his own design. Assassination in Japan. Sri Lanka’s Presidential palace burning.
My scientific colleagues and I have been tracking and endeavouring to understand, and thus explain, the space origins and global spread of COVID-19 since late 2019 – early 2020 [1]. We have had to vigorously confront this censorship head on in order to get our scientific message and narrative into the public square.
TNT Radio presenter and South African podcaster, Jeremy Nell, engages in a controversial and thought-provoking podcast discussion with Younger Dryas impact theorist, Ben van Kirkwyk. Catch the full 90-minute interview below.
Hi, and welcome to another episode of Sky Dragon Slaying where we bring you the truth on science and current affairs the mainstream would rather you didn’t know.
Principia Scientific is back! Despite their best attempts to take down this unique online platform for truth and transparency in science and tech fields, our enemies failed. Our apologies to our loyal followers for the temporary loss of service .
Listen on TNT Radio Live to Patrick Moore, a fellow critic of the faked climate scare narrative, speaking with Principia Scientific’s Sky Dragon Slayers on the new U.S. Supreme Court decision to toss out CO2 emissions regulations!
Sunday 26th June: Bart Sibrel: Tin foil hat-wearing conspiracy theorist or truther? The man NASA astronaut, Buzz Aldrin, punched in the face talks to us on TNT Radio Live. Listen now and decide for yourself!
The following extract from the latest speech by the Russian leader is widely banned on all social media platforms, but is crucial to understanding the context in which current affairs – economic, technological, military and scientific – are headed. front man, Marc Morano, appears on TNT Radio Live ‘Sky Dragon Slayers’ performing a masterful job slaying western government failures on climate, COVID and Ukraine: “At this point, most people are better living under a warlord than a centralized government.”
Every member of the Truth community remembers their Red Pill moment, when trust in government and official narrative of our false reality was broken. For some it was 9/11/2001, for many it has been the WuFlu plague.
From conspiracy theory in 2019 to a proven fact in 2022? A British engineer dismantles a device from an urban street light to reveal the claimed deadly 5G weapon housed within. We ask our tech readers for feedback.
On behalf of, The Way Forward presents a live summit to dissect and debunk the monkey business surrounding both monkeypox and the theory of pathogenic viruses at large.