Seasoned truther and Texan engineer, Joseph A Olson, launches his new purpose-built website archiving over a decade’s worth of his fascinating, often controversial, science articles. We have pleasure in showcasing his new site at Principia Scientific International.
August 28, 2022: In this TNT Radio episode of Sky Dragon Slaying we are addressing the worrying rise of bio technology – food modification, genetically modified crops and animals – in fact, even humans are being modified under the fourth industrial revolution doctrine of transhumanism.
As an accompaniment to our post about Maryam Henein’s appearance on TNT Radio’s Sky Dragon Slaying show (hosted by Principia Scientific experts), below we share with readers 10 important facts about bees and honey (source: Philip Grad) .
In this lively and convivial two-hour radio interview Maryam Henein covers so much territory as a dedicated investigative journalist – topics from her functional medicine services to the fake narrative around George Floyd and even aliens.
Special guest this weekend on TNT Radio’s Sky Dragon Slaying show is intrepid independent journalist, Maryam Henein. Maryam is founder, and editor-in-chief of the health magazine and marketplace HoneyColony. Listen live Saturday 7pm -9pm (New York time).
Should you eat insects as a staple part of your diet? Not according to the best peer-reviewed research. Below we reveal why scientists urge caution against eating insects.
The moment we have all been waiting for has finally arrived, Crimes Against Humanity Tour USA has entered phase two! From the outset we stated that this tour is not just about addressing the pandemic anomalies via conferences and seminars.
The discredited greenhouse gas theory has multiple iterations, many of which are mutually exclusive. Leading laboratory spectroscopy expert, Dr Charles R Anderson, debunks such ‘settled science’ on TNT Radio and explains why carbon dioxide is not our climate’s control knob.
This weekend four ‘Slayers’ of the junk science of the greenhouse gas theory will discuss on TNT Radio why carbon dioxide is NOT our climate’s control knob. Dr. Charles Anderson, a laboratory expert in spectroscopy, joins his original ‘Slayers’ colleagues for a two-hour live radio broadcast. Please listen in.
August 07, 2022 – Hi and welcome to another episode of Sky Dragon Slaying where we bring you the truth on science and current affairs the mainstream would rather you didn’t know.
When Professors at the Universities of Queensland and Oxford, write that Teaching and Research have a remit to search for new business models and policies to assist “the Great Reset”, then we know that something is badly wrong.
Two world-class professors probe what arguments are best to debunk CO2 alarmism. On his blog, Swedish Math professor, Claes Johnson posts his discussion with Professor Will Happer under the title ‘The Catch of CO2 Alarmism vs Homeopathy‘
We are delighted to promote Sarah Plumley’s one-hour Zoom lecture on the state of education in schools in England and Wales. Date: Thursday 4th August. Time: 8pm (London, UK). Sarah is a seasoned math teacher who worked in government schools before focusing on offering parents home schooling support. Her insights are invaluable to all families considering home schooling.
July 30, 2022 – Hi and welcome to another episode of Sky Dragon Slaying where we bring you the truth on science and current affairs the mainstream would rather you didn’t know. Swedish physicist, Anders Nordenfelt joins us to dismantle the climate crazy claims over ‘dangerous climate change.’
As I have described previously on this blog there appears to be a group of people, here denoted the Lukewarmers, whose mission is to convince people that the Greenhouse Effect is not the Greenhouse Effect.
Professor Claes Johnson – Sweden’s most cited math professor – gives a damning report on junk climate science to TNT Radio listeners and explains why CO2 is not our climate’s ‘control knob.’ Johnson demonstrates how climate researchers made gross errors about CO2 – all due to poorly formed mathematics.