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Physicist, Dr Charles R Anderson, Slaying it on TNT Radio!

Written by John O'Sullivan

The discredited greenhouse gas theory has multiple iterations, many of which are mutually exclusive. Leading laboratory spectroscopy expert, Dr Charles R Anderson, debunks such ‘settled science’ on TNT Radio and explains why carbon dioxide is not our climate’s control knob.

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Live on TNT Radio: Why the Greenhouse Gas Theory is Junk Science

Written by John O'Sullivan

This weekend four ‘Slayers’ of the junk science of the greenhouse gas theory will discuss on TNT Radio why carbon dioxide is NOT our climate’s control knob. Dr. Charles Anderson, a laboratory expert in spectroscopy, joins his original ‘Slayers’ colleagues for a two-hour live radio broadcast. Please listen in.

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Universities propping up a dystopian system

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When Professors at the Universities of Queensland and Oxford, write that Teaching and Research have a remit to search for new business models and policies to assist “the Great Reset”, then we know that something is badly wrong.

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Free Zoom Lecture: The State of State ‘Education’ (August 4, 2022)

Written by PSI Editor

We are delighted to promote Sarah Plumley’s one-hour Zoom lecture on the state of education in schools in England and Wales. Date: Thursday 4th August. Time: 8pm (London, UK). Sarah is a seasoned math teacher who worked in government schools before focusing on offering parents home schooling support. Her insights are invaluable to all families considering home schooling.

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The Sky Dragon Slayers Moving On: Listen in at TNT Radio!

Written by John O'Sullivan



Professor Claes Johnson – Sweden’s most cited math professor – gives a damning report on junk climate science to TNT Radio listeners and explains why CO2 is not our climate’s ‘control knob.’ Johnson demonstrates how climate researchers made gross errors about CO2 – all due to poorly formed mathematics.

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