Let’s save as many lives as we can. Below are some of the telemedicine doctors’ contact details who are providing early treatment for “COVID”.
Contacts: Telemedicine Doctors For COVID19 Scripts
Written by Martha Albertson
Written by Martha Albertson
Let’s save as many lives as we can. Below are some of the telemedicine doctors’ contact details who are providing early treatment for “COVID”.
Written by mamm.org
The Five Doctors are Dr. Lee Merritt, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, and Dr. Larry Palevsky. We have taken a stand together to educate and clarify the ongoing issues of this Plandemic, the fight for your lives, your mind, and your very soul.
Written by John O'Sullivan
From Ethel Douglas Hume to Dr Andrew Kaufman. My nascent interest in the otherwise obscure debate of germ versus terrain theory blossomed during the first ‘lockdown’ imposed in 2020. Delving deep into the history of this field of science will waken you from the shocking lies we have all been fed.
Written by Lordchewy
This is PART TWO of a two-part essay presenting evidence from known pandemics throughout history that can be better explained by the terrain theory of disease rather than Pasteur’s Germ Theory. PART ONE here.
Written by Lordchewy
This is PART ONE of a two-part essay presenting evidence from known pandemics throughout history that can be better explained by the terrain theory of disease rather than Pasteur’s Germ Theory. (PART TWO here).
Written by Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA
A woman was getting on a bus. Suddenly, she stopped. I’ve forgotten my mask,’ she said.
You can’t come on without a mask,’ said the driver officiously.
Written by John O'Sullivan
A ‘much see’ video for all still fearful over a non-existent deadly virus (just the flu re-packaged for the gullible). Dr. Roger Hodkinson is among thousands of brave medics exposing the greatest scientific fraud in human history.
Written by John O'Sullivan
New twist in the claims and counter claims that the Rothschilds patented the COVID19 testing system as far back as 2015. Video purports to show that U.S. Patents Office had the full biometric testing device patented five years BEFORE the pandemic.
Written by Keyhole-Journey
In this sit-down Interview David Martin explains the issues with the patent system, the over 5000 Corona Virus Patents, the players involved with the pandemic, the criminal laws violated through all this, and his view on a solution to the problem. There are so many important dots connected, it will make your head spin.
In pursuit of Zero Covid, wealthy politicians have enacted emergency laws, instituted arbitrary and widespread lockdowns and imposed unsupportable medical mandates. Instead of saving lives, Governments have destroyed lives, put public health at risk and globally have demolished millions of small businesses.
Written by James Corbett
Welcome, Esteemed Globalist Supergopher. Here is your access link to the secret online briefing session of the Committee of United Nazis, Tyrants and Sociopaths.
Written by Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA
Written by John O'Sullivan
Written by Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA
This is the calm before the storm.
Government advisors such as Ferguson, one of the individuals who ignored their Government’s rules, are saying that the worst is over. Ferguson has been quoted as saying that the so-called pandemic will be over by October. Other advisors and experts say it’s going to get worse before it gets even worse than worse.
Written by Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA
Dr Vernon Coleman and other champions of freedom will be attending on Saturday 24th July, 1pm the Worldwide Rally for Freedom 3.0, LONDON (speakers, including Dr Tess Lawrie, David Icke, Gareth Icke, musical performances by D Jukes and Justyna Walker).
Written by Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA
I have, for almost 18 months now been asking Chris Whitty and Patrick Vallance to debate with me. Whitty is, of course, the UK’s chief medical advisor and Vallance is the UK’s chief scientific advisor. Since they and their chums have closed down the country and since their lockdowns will result in millions of deaths, it seemed to me reasonable that they would debate their decisions in public. It is, after all, what scientists usually do.