Texas Children’s Hospital, the nation’s largest children’s hospital, will no longer offer transgender medical procedures for children, according to the hospital’s CEO Mark Wallace.
The largest economy in Europe has officially entered a recession after a series of disasterous man-made climate and sanctions policies destroyed Germany’s economy. Academic Researcher Ralph Schoelhammer joins Redacted to look at the decline of Germany and the Beyond Growth Conference which promotes the “Degrowth” of Europe.
In this video, we look at the first real images of Venus and what has been found. If you’ve ever wondered if space discoveries can be made used data that has been stored for decades, then that is exactly what happened with NASA’s Magellan spacecraft.
Dr. Rashid Buttar was Murdered by poisoning on May 18, 2023 after airing this video. He died in hospital. Tens of millions will die this year after being injected with the Covid 19 Vaccine. 5G will initiate the Deaths by way of 1 minute intervals over the coming months.
Troy vom Braucke enjoys a stellar career helping R&D teams bringing superior high-tech products to market. His insights are not only in the applied sciences, they also extend to the more theoretical and he relishes collaborating with some of the most brilliant scientific minds of our time.
Title: Slaying the Virus & Vaccine Dragon by John O’Sullivan, Saeed Qureshi, Judy Wilyman & Robert Beatty
Genre: Science, Medical
Rating: 5 Stars
The COVID-19 pandemic affected almost every living soul on the planet and governments took unprecedented measures in response. The four-author co-written Slaying the Virus and Vaccine Dragon delves into the questionable medical science of the controversial vaccine as well as the political and monetary motivations subsumed in this unprecedented global reaction to the alleged novel virus.
In this video, we continue to look at auditory frequencies and their physiological and psychological effects. We see that 40 Hz impacts auditory processing.
This video shows the interview with Jason Shurka and the Inventor and Founder Dr. Sandra Rose Michael of the EESystem which is the system at our Full Spectrum International Quantum Wellness & Energy Center.
Dr. John Robson comments on key items from the latest Climate Discussion Nexus weekly “Wednesday Wakeup” newsletter from Canadian oil and gas producers still not seeing that the government intends to destroy them.
“Know what a king fears by that which he will not allow his subjects to speak aloud…” So what does the king fear today? Seemingly everything. They want once more to sell you a lack of liberty as safety, but its not truly your safety they care about. It is their own. Consider this censorious shillery masquarading as an online safety billin the UK.
In this episode of the Medical Truth Podcast, James Egidio interviews Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, who is a licensed internal medicine physician as well as an ACAMS certified Chelation therapist., a licensed internal medicine physician and Dr. Mihalcea discusses the toxins found in vaccines as well as utilizing chelation therapy to detox from dangerous vaccinations. Dr. Mihalcea is a diligent Substack author where she can be found posting new content everyday.
In this video, Dr. Lee Merritt discusses nanotechnology in the vaccines with Ana Mihalcea M.D. Dr. Lee Merritt has long been skeptical of the vaccines containing any mRNA because while it has been seen to be useful, there isn’t currently any transport mechanism that can keep it cold enough.