The US Food and Drug Administration is determined to clamp down on Misinformation…
FDA DOUBLES DOWN: New Misinformation Warning
Written by Dr. Suneel Dhand
Written by Dr. Suneel Dhand
The US Food and Drug Administration is determined to clamp down on Misinformation…
Written by Redacted
We are being warned of a new pandemic from CCHF, that is Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever.
Written by Well Here We Go
In this video, we look at part 2 of the Porphyrins and Electromagnetic fields lecture.
Written by Well Here We Go
In this video, we discuss porphyrins, essential compounds for life that are essential in the oxygen transport change.
Written by Dr Stephanie Seneff
We know that water conducts electricity in our bodies. But would you like to see how? What if you learned about a little something extra that could add a lot more zap to your zip? Dr. Seneff has all the data that you need.
Written by John O'Sullivan
Independent thinkers, scientists and medical professionals are exposing the poisonous globalist agenda infecting our minds and bodies. At the fore is Dr Stephanie Seneff, senior research scientist at MIT. Listen live to Dr Seneff speak as she speaks about her work with Principia Scientific’s trio in this two-hour special!
Written by TruthStream Media
As context is very important for all videos; this message is to confirm that the purpose of this video is reporting on or documenting the content. Note that we make an effort to research for context and cite our sources when necessary.
Written by Business Casual
The personal computer is one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century.
Written by Dave McKeegan
In this video, Dave McKeegan discusses why there are no Flat Earth surveyors and what this means for those on either side of the debate about the shape of the Earth.
Written by Space Matters
In this video, we’ll be discussing the first real images of Mercury, what we found and what implications it has.
Written by Stefan Burns
The FORCE is not only real, it has the ability to influence us at the DNA, atomic, and quantum levels.
Written by Jerry Day
The cause of environmentalism has been transformed to, essentially, make criminals of everyone who breathes.
Written by Success Now
This video dives into the thought that our school system might be designed like an old factory training program.
Written by CDN
In this video, Dr. John Robson comments on key items from the latest Climate Discussion Nexus weekly “Wednesday Wakeup” newsletter, from the way climate alarmists tried to claim a lively start to eastern Canada’s forest fire season meant the end was nigh to the effort by Alberta Premier Danielle Smith to fight the policy of climate change but not the “science”.
Written by Well Here We Go
In this video, we look at a technical report that the Public Health Service and Center for Disease Control conducted on electromagnetic fields and cancer in which they admitted there were many possible links in 1978.
Written by Well Here We Go
This video is part 1 of a discussion on Electromagnetic fields and cancer. First we look at the case of Vatican Radio in which a court case was brought about looking for evidence of increased leukemia in nearby populations.