A new documentary produced by the “far green left” has in fact put the argument forward “that renewable energy is not clean, not green and not practical,” according to Sky News host Chris Kenny.
You might have thought that the banking and university sectors were worlds apart but both are in engulfed in existential turmoil. Banks exist, according to the UK’s Bank of England, to ‘work with money: looking after it, lending it, and helping you pay for things’; while universities, according to the seventh President of Chicago University, George Beadle, are there to ‘search for truth’. Unfortunately, these objectives are severely compromised in today’s banks and universities.
Gregory Wrightstone is a geologist, Executive Director of the CO2 Coalition and defender of the greenhouse gas theory. As a bestselling author (Inconvenient Facts), and Expert Reviewer for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (AR6), Gregory debates live on air with us as to whether carbon dioxide is our climate’s control knob.
The first predator on Earth looked a lot different than predators on Earth today! These huge arthropods, called Anomalocarids, lived in Cambrian seas about 500 million years ago!
In this video, we will discuss the ways in which a person can protect themselves from electromagnetic fields, starting with the cheapest, electromagnetic blocking clothing and progressing to whole house EMF protection.
I want to sum up a lot of what I have been showing anyone who would look with an open mind or open heart. The narrative that CO2 “traps heat” is a “how many angels can you stick on the head of a needle argument.”