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Swedish Health Experts: Lockdowns Have Killed Millions

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Over the course of this pandemic I have often wished that Hans Rosling was still alive. For those who are unaware, he was a medical doctor and a professor at Karolinska Institutet who had a particular interest in global health and development. In 2012, Time magazine declared him one of the 100 most influential people in the world. During the last few months of his life, in 2017, he wrote an excellent book called “Factfulness”, that summed up most of his thinking, and described how many of the things people “know” about the world are completely wrong.

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Forced Nursing Home Vaccinations Possibly Murder?

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Earlier this week we published the English translation of a video in German that Attorney Reiner Fuellmich published with a whistleblower who works in a nursing home where several residents were injected with the experimental COVID mRNA shots against their will, and where many of them died a short time later.

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Is Post-COVID Vaccination Death Just Coincidence?

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Why is Death After COVID-19 Vaccination Always Assumed to Be Coincidental?

There appears to be a pattern developing when deaths are reported shortly following COVID-19 vaccinations, in that all deaths are assumed to be only “coincidentally” associated with vaccination before all the evidence is in. This raises an obvious question: Is the assumption that the experimental COVID-19 vaccines are never the cause of death scientifically justified or is it a symptom of bias?

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Texas becomes biggest US state to lift mask mandate

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The announcement in Texas, where the virus has killed more than 43,000 people, rattled doctors and big city leaders who said they are now bracing for another deadly resurgence. One hospital executive in Houston said he told his staff they would need more personnel and ventilators.

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Delaying restart of global travel to cost UK economy billions

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The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) has warned that nearly £27 billion will be lost from the UK economy if the government delays restarting international travel until May 17.

The date was set by Prime Minister Boris Johnson when he unveiled the highly anticipated roadmap out of lockdown earlier this week.

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More polar bear catastrophe hype

Written by Susan Crockford

Last week (24 February 2021), The Guardian was promoting a study that claims polar bears now use four times more energy than expected to survive because of ‘major ice loss’ in the Arctic, as a way of suggesting that the animals are already on their way to extinction.

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Why Is There Always Scaremongering After The Weather Changes?

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Had we not had a cold spell a couple of weeks ago I doubt many people would have got to hear about a paper in the journal Nature Geoscience claiming that something called the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) could, thanks to human-induced climate change, reach a tipping point by the end of the century bringing Europe much colder winters.

Yet, thanks to us all shivering for a few days, the paper, by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, has fueled claims that this month’s big freeze is a mere harbinger of even greater terror to come.

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The REAL Threats To Threatened Species

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birds wind blades energy

Many activists, politicians, and regulators believe our Earth and its wild kingdoms are threatened by fossil fuels, conventional farming, modern living standards, and catastrophic climate change resulting from the aforementioned human activities.

Many promote these fears to gain ever-greater control over energy and economic systems, circumscribe personal freedoms, and silence questions and dissent.

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Possible small meteor impact just north of Cheltenham

Written by Andy Rowlands

Image: Gloucestershire Live

The hunt is on for meteorite fragments that are likely to have fallen to Earth over England on Sunday night.

Many people across Northern Europe saw a fireball in the sky shortly before 22:00 GMT, and the streak of light was also caught on special cameras. Scientists think some pieces will have survived the intense heat of atmospheric entry and hit the ground.

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AstraZeneca Company Tied to UK Eugenics Movement

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In the final installment of this series on Operation Warp Speed, the US government’s vaccination effort and race, the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine’s ties to eugenics-linked institutions, the secretive role of Vaccitech, and the myth of the vaccine’s sale being “nonprofit” and altruistically motivated are explored in detail.

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Death By Mask: Lessons Learned from Spanish Flu In 1918

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In 2008, Dr. Anthony Fauci co-wrote a paper with two colleagues explaining that influenza was not the predominant cause of death during the 1918 flu pandemic. This video will show you what he wrote, and that the cause of a rise in infections among mask wearers today matches what Fauci claimed to be the real killer in 1918.

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National Institutes of Health say moist masks are good for you!

Written by Dr Joseph Mercola

A study from the National Institutes of Health claims wearing a moist mask is actually good for you because inhaling through the wet mask hydrates your lungs and boosts your immune system. However, it’s important to realize that the humidity inside the mask will rapidly allow pathogenic bacteria to grow and multiply. This is a documented fact not addressed by the NIH.

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