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Guess what we just learned about Sweden and COVID

Written by Tom Woods

According to Reuters, “Sweden, which has shunned the strict lockdowns that have choked much of the global economy, emerged from 2020 with a smaller increase in its overall mortality rate than most European countries, an analysis of official data sources showed.”

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Some insights into Carbon Dioxide

Written by Geoff Duffy

CO2 in the atmosphere went up slowly from 1870 to 1970 (290 parts per million, ppm to 320ppm). It then rose a further 70ppm to about 390ppm in 2010. But while CO2 was increasing slowly over that total period, global mean temperatures actually went down twice in that period (1870 to 1915, and 1940 to 1970).

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Drone Captures Amazing Footage of Volcanic Eruption in Iceland

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Fagradalsfjal volcano in Iceland. Image: BBC

A daring drone photographer in Iceland captured breathtaking footage of an unfolding volcanic eruption by flying his UAV over the top of the active crater as lava burst forth high into the air. The amazing footage was reportedly filmed by Bjorn Steinbekk last Friday as the Fagradalsfjall volcano sprung to life following a series of small earthquakes in the country.

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NJ governor Phil Murphy ‘cannot conceive’ of ending mask mandate

Written by Tom Woods

You’d think Phil Murphy, governor of New Jersey — which has the worst COVID death rate of any American state — would have the decency to keep his mouth shut on the subject. Well, you’d be wrong. When asked about Texas’ decision to repeal its statewide mask mandate, Murphy replied that he was “stunned” and that he “couldn’t conceive of lifting a mask mandate inside.”

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If You Absolutely Must Vaccinate Against Covid-19, use BCG

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There is a reason why vaccine makers and bought-off politicians are racing to vaccinate 100 million Americans by July 4th.  If prior population studies are any indication, by July 2021 it is likely a safer and more effective vaccine than RNA vaccines (Pfizer/Moderna) will be revealed in a large-group placebo vs inoculum study taking place in Canada.

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‘Greed’ & capitalism behind ‘vaccine success’, PM tells Brits

Written by theguardian-com

The UK’s successful vaccine rollout was thanks to “greed” and “capitalism”, Boris Johnson has told Conservative MPs during a private call. Several of those present confirmed the prime minister had made the remarks during an end-of-term Zoom meeting with Tory backbenchers, known as the 1922 Committee, on Tuesday evening, two days before the Commons breaks for Easter.

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Report: UK Govt Grossly Misled Public Over Net-Zero Costs

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Image: Roger Kidd

The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF) has welcomed a new parliamentary report that accuses the government of seriously underestimating the cost of decarbonizing Britain’s homes. The cost warnings by MPs have serious repercussions for millions of owners of energy inefficient homes who face the prospect of unsellable properties just over seven years from now.

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New Must-Read Book From Patrick Moore

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There have been dozens of good books written in the past decade telling the true stories countering the incessant lies of alarmists blaming impending environmental disasters on carbon dioxide emissions. None have been better than the newest contribution by Patrick Moore and certainly none as up to date as this just published contribution to real science. We all know by now that Patrick co-founded Greenpeace.

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Flood Plains are for Floods

Written by Viv Forbes

Image: Natural Water Retention Measures

Natural flood plains form where floods spread silt and mud in river valleys. Being flat, fertile, picturesque and usually supplied with surface and underground water, they attract farms, orchards and gardens. These are inevitably followed by roads, houses and businesses.

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Biden’s Solar Energy Plan Has A Major Space Problem

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US President Joe Biden clinched the top role last November on the back of a campaign promise to launch the Clean Energy Revolution in the country, with a chief aim of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. Rystad Energy estimates that the significant utility solar PV installed capacity required to meet the target would occupy around 13,412 square miles of land, equivalent to 0.43% of the total land area in the lower 48 states, or roughly 50 times the size of Austin, Texas.

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Revealed: What Really Happened In The Nightingale hospitals

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The Nightingale Hospital at the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham. Image: ITV

Only three of England’s seven Nightingale hospitals have ever been used to treat Covid patients – despite costing the taxpayer more than £500m to set-up and keep on standby, HuffPost UK can reveal. An investigation by this website has shown just how underused the landmark hospitals have been – with the government under fire for overseeing a programme described as a “massive white elephant” from the start.

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Insanity: We Must Start Planning For a Permanent Pandemic

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Image: Jack Guez/AFP via Getty Images

For the past year, an assumption — sometimes explicit, often tacit — has informed almost all our thinking about the pandemic. At some point, it will be over, and then we’ll go “back to normal.” This premise is almost certainly wrong.

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