Image: Kevin Dietsch/UPI/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Dr. Anthony Fauci has said that you may need to receive the COVID-19 vaccine again a year from now, even if you’ve already been inoculated.
Written by bigleaguepolitics.com
Image: Kevin Dietsch/UPI/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Dr. Anthony Fauci has said that you may need to receive the COVID-19 vaccine again a year from now, even if you’ve already been inoculated.
Written by unz.com
Image: Twitter
Mike Yeadon is a soft-spoken microbiologist and a former Vice President of Allergy and Respiratory Research at Pfizer. He spent 32 years working for large pharmaceutical companies and is a leading expert on viral respiratory infections.
Written by allnewspipeline.com
With federal authorities urging an immediate pause to the Johnson and Johnson single dose vaccine after several people were reported to become ill within weeks after getting the vaccine with what is being called ‘a rare blood clotting disorder’, we have to take a look back at an interview we posted in this April 11th ANP story titled “‘Eugenicists Have Control Of The Levers Of Power’ Former Big Pharma Insider Warns As World Is Herded Like Sheep To The Slaughter – Lethal Injections For All If The Globalists Get Their Way”
Written by Richard Lindzen & William Happer
People’s Climate March NY City 2014. Image: Mike Segar/Reuters
Americans should not be stampeded into a disastrous climate crusade. By obligating the United States once more to the Paris agreement, and by signaling very clearly that “climate” will be central to its policies, the Biden administration has joined other governments in the crusade against a supposed “climate emergency.”
Written by theatlantic.com
Image: Reuters
The CDC has finally said what scientists have been screaming for months: The coronavirus is overwhelmingly spread through the air, not via surfaces.
Written by smithsonianmag.com
Bacho Kiro cave, Bulgaria. Image: Tsenka Tsanova, MPI-EVA Leipzig
Forty-five thousand years ago, some of the first modern humans to call Europe home lived in and around Bulgaria’s Bacho Kiro Cave. They created adornments, like beads and pendants of cave bear teeth. They fashioned stone and bone tools and colored them with red ochre. They hunted, butchered and feasted on local animals.
Written by medpagetoday.com
Herpes zoster reactivation — a.k.a. shingles — following COVID-19 vaccination in six patients with comorbid autoimmune/inflammatory diseases may be a new adverse event associated with the Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA vaccine, suggested a new report.
Written by dailymail.co.uk
Image: Let’s Recycle
In emails, leaked to the Guardian, senior strategist Ben Dyson is said to have warned health department colleagues about the unreliability of lateral flow test results.
Written by bbc.co.uk
Image: Reuters
Health Secretary Matt Hancock owns shares in a company which was approved as a potential supplier for NHS trusts in England, it has emerged. In March, he declared he had acquired more than 15% of Topwood Ltd, which was granted the approved status in 2019. The firm, which specialises in the secure storage, shredding and scanning of documents, also won £300,000 of business from NHS Wales this year.
Written by Tom Woods
Image: John Anderson
Well, I just recorded rather a memorable episode of the Tom Woods Show. Before we started recording, I joked with my guest — Stanford’s Jay Bhattacharya, one of the three authors of the heroic Great Barrington Declaration — about what it’s like suddenly having fans.
Written by stateofthenation.co
Image: World Logo
Jean Luc Montagnier won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2008. He said that covid-19 was made in a lab. It contains strands from the HIV virus. The Spike protein was engineered from SARS into Covid. This allows it to enter human cells. 4 new sequences were engineered into Covid from the HIV virus including the GP 41 envelope which is the key for HIV to infect human bodies.
Written by theregister.com
Image: SpaceNews
Astrobotic has provided an explanation for another of SpaceX boss Elon Musk’s tweets with news that its Griffin lander lander will be riding a Falcon Heavy to the Moon in 2023. Musk last week sent fanbois into frothing excitement with an announcement that a trip to the Moon was on the cards.
Written by vaccinechoicecanada.com
Dear Police, Healthcare Workers, and First Responders Re COVID-19 Vaccine Concerns.
Written by Climate Change Dispatch
Image: United Nations University
The prominent, progressive magazine The Nation published an article today claiming the current trajectory for sea-level rise is 20-or-more feet during the next 100 to 200 years.
Written by theburningplatform.com
Will a vaccine to SARS-CoV-2 actually make the problem worse? Although not a certainty, all of the current data says that this prospect is a real possibility that needs to be paid careful attention to. If you stay with me, I’ll explain why.
Written by Jack Dini
Africa is a massive place, much bigger than most folks realize from just looking at a map. The African continent has a land area of 30.37 million square kilometers (11.7 million square miles)–enough to fit in the US, China, India, Japan, Mexico and many European nations, combined. (1)