Author Archive

Why I’m Removing All Articles Related to Vitamins Zinc and COVID

Written by Dr Joseph Mercola

Over the past year, I’ve been researching and writing as much as I can to help you take control of your health, as fearmongering media and corrupt politicians have destroyed lives and livelihoods to establish global control of the world’s population, using the COVID-19 pandemic as their justification. I’ve also kept you informed about billionaire-backed front groups like the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), a partner of Bill Gates’ Alliance for Science, both of whom have led campaigns aimed at destroying my reputation and censoring the information I share.

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New US figures: 3,848 Deaths, 118,902 Injuries after COVID jabs, inc. Children

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The mass murder of Americans through the experimental COVID injections continues, as the CDC is now reporting that 3,848 people have died and 118,902 adverse reactions have now been logged into their Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Many believe there is solid evidence that the CDC is holding back much of the data, and that the number of deaths and injuries reported is much higher (see below).

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COVID-19 related stroke in young individuals

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Image: The Mirror

Evidence is mounting on the diverse neurological presentations associated with COVID-19. In a Rapid Review in The Lancet Neurology, Mark Ellul and colleagues1 nicely cover these findings, but we would like to emphasise the risk of associated stroke.

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John O’Sullivan on the ‘Climate Emergency’ & Net Zero Emissions Scam

Written by PSI Editor


World leaders and their climate cheer leaders in Academe and Big Business have a new mantra – net zero emissions. What does it mean? How can it be achieved and what will it do for us? Are they really saving the planet or more likely – leading to a Dystopian future and is this a clever plan or simply part of a modern-day Communist Manifesto that will enrich the Ruling Class beyond their wildest dreams?

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Top COVID doctor: Gov’t hiding injection-related deaths

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One of the world’s most prominent medical doctors with expertise in treating COVID-19 has gone on the record with a scathing rebuke of the U.S. government’s approach to fighting the virus. He says the government’s strategy, carried out in cooperation with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the United Nations World Health Organization, has resulted in tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths and is now being followed up with thousands more deaths caused by a mass-injection program.

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$1.2 M reward offered for proof COVID-19 virus exists

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Image: Harvard University

Many investigations and reports have been generated around the world concerning the disastrous COVID-19 or CCP (Chinese Communist Party) Virus; however, for some people and institutions, it has not been satisfactorily proven that it is the one that generates the deaths attributed to it.

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The Right to Try Act

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The Right to Try Act, or the Trickett Wendler, Frank Mongiello, Jordan McLinn, and Matthew Bellina Right to Try Act, was signed into law May 30, 2018. This law is another way for patients who have been diagnosed with life-threatening diseases or conditions who have tried all approved treatment options and who are unable to participate in a clinical trial to access certain unapproved treatments.

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How a Braver America Beat a Mid Century Pandemic

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Image: Everett Collection

“Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive,/But to be young was very heaven!” Wordsworth was talking about France in 1789, but the line applies better to the America of 1957. That summer, Elvis Presley topped the charts with “(Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear.” But we tend to forget that 1957 also saw the outbreak of one of the biggest pandemics of the modern era. Not coincidentally, another hit of that year was “Rockin’ Pneumonia and the Boogie Woogie Flu” by Huey “Piano” Smith & the Clowns.

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