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Flawed Definition of Pandemic used to Declare Public Health Emergency

Written by By Dr. Judy Wilyman

In May 2009, the World Health Organisation (WHO) changed the definition of a ‘pandemic’ based on the advice provided by a small select committee that was not required to reveal their conflicts of interest until 12 months later [1][2]. This change in definition was critical to the ability for the WHO to declare a swine-flu ‘pandemic’ in June 2009 and then a coronavirus pandemic in March 2020.

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Major Leak Exposes UK Plan for “Permanent Lockdown”

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An e-mail allegedly from British epidemiologist and pandemic planner Neil Ferguson, explains that the lockdowns and restrictions in place since last spring were only the first part of the plan.  The second phase will see the UK permanently locked down and for much more severe measures, including bracelets, to be put in place, starting on July 15th.

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COVID-19 Brain Changes Similar to Alzheimer’s Disease

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The brain inflammation and impaired “brain circuitry” seen in people who die of COVID-19 look a lot like what doctors see in the brains of people who die of neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease, researchers reported on Monday in the journal Nature.

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