Large numbers of birds are dropping dead from a “mystery disease” throughout much of the eastern half of the country, and scientists still have absolutely no idea why this is happening. They have tested the dead birds for a whole host of known illnesses, but those tests have not revealed the cause of this plague.
Last week, America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) came to speak in Kansas City, Missouri. AFLDS founder Dr. Simone Gold brought her message that COVID-19 is nothing to fear and that there are treatments available. At the start of the pandemic, she was fired after speaking out in support of anti-malaria medication hydroxychloroquine (HCQ).
Data released July 7th by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) included 9,049 reports of deaths, across all age groups, following COVID vaccines — an increase of more than 2,000 compared with the previous week. The data comes directly from reports submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).
The world’s richest medical research foundation, the Wellcome Trust, has teamed up with a pair of former DARPA directors who built Silicon Valley’s skunkworks to usher in an age of nightmarish surveillance, including for babies as young as three months old. Their agenda can only advance if we allow it.
The Masks being used and currently marketed contain Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles. The Swabs used in both PCR and Antigen tests also contained Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles (GOnPs). COVID ‘vaccines’ in all their Variants: AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna, Sinovac, Janssen, Johnson & Johnson, etc., also contain a considerable dose of GOnPs.
The overall risk of children becoming severely ill or dying from Covid is extremely low, a new analysis of Covid infection data confirms.Data from the first 12 months of the pandemic in England shows 25 under-18s died from Covid.
Most people are familiar with the idea of six degrees of separation—that everyone on the planet is separated by only six relationships. I want to introduce you to the idea of “70 degrees of connection”. In today’s world we all desire a comfortable temperature of about 70 degrees most of the time. People talk about climate change, but the desire for a 70-degree personal space—safely separated from the elements that endanger us—is a dominant force in our lives.
Now, Solar Cycle 25 has really begun. On July 3rd, new sunspot AR2838 produced the first X-class solar flare since Sept. 2017. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the extreme ultraviolet flash.
Social media users and reporters raised the possibility that a Twitter bot campaign has been launched to push back against the planned easing of restrictions in the United Kingdom. A bot campaign refers to automated accounts being programmed to push a single message or idea..
We learned a lot about our fellow man over the course of the virus panic, much of it unflattering. The UK-based rapper known as Zuby recently listed 20 of them on Twitter, and his list went viral.
We have entered a new nuclear age, one far more dangerous and deadly than the Cold War with its megatonnage held in check by the doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction. In this new age, the nukes are many times smaller, and the chance of their use many times greater.
On Friday, Santa Clara County health leaders announced a drop in its COVID-19 death toll by nearly a quarter after it refined its approach in reporting the data. This latest move by Santa Clara County, the very heart of the Silicon Valley, comes immediately after another key region, Alameda County – who refined its overall COVID death toll and reduced it down 25 percent.
Glutathione is a substance made from the amino acids glycine, cysteine, and glutamic acid. It is produced naturally by the liver and involved in many processes in the body, including tissue building and repair, making chemicals and proteins needed in the body, and for the immune system.
Researchers took a comprehensive look at statistical findings from 46 different studies around the globe and found that the use of a cell phone for more than 1,000 hours, or about 17 minutes a day over a ten year period, increased the risk of tumors by 60 percent.