The people with myriad comorbidities in the age range where most deaths with COVID-19 occurred were in very poor health.
Why are we vaccinating children against COVID-19?
Written by National Institutes for Health
Written by National Institutes for Health
The people with myriad comorbidities in the age range where most deaths with COVID-19 occurred were in very poor health.
Written by BBC
Rolls-Royce has been backed by a consortium of private investors and the UK government to develop small nuclear reactors to generate cleaner energy.
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Leading experts on flawed U.S. COVID policy issued an urgent warning at a summit on Saturday: Young children will be harmed in an ill-advised rush to vaccinate a population with very little chance of severe infection from the virus.
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In a PolitiFact article titled “Why the Covid-19 Survival Rate Is Not Over 99 percent,” staff writer Jason Asenso argues that about 1.7 percent of U.S. residents who contract Covid-19 die from it.
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The criminals at CDC began 30 years ago to appropriately target iv drug abusers, sex workers and others with a high risk of Hepatitis B to be vaccinated.
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The Biden administration on Wednesday unveiled its plan to ‘quickly’ vaccinate roughly 28 million children age 5-11, pending authorization from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
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A series of reviews of the financial accounts of offshore windfarms has shown that despite the claims of the offshore wind industry, overall costs of offshore windfarms remain stubbornly high, and are at best only declining slowly.
Written by Michael Shellenberger
Viewed as politically radioactive just a decade ago, after the Fukushima accident, nuclear power is today coming back in a big way.
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It’s an odd dynamic – One would think that if the covid vaccines were a generally benevolent program that actually “followed the science” then there would be no need to pile drive the public with an endless barrage of vax propaganda.
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Australia has commissioned a five-year study of the effect of noise from industrial wind turbines on the local residents.
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Biden’s plan to rid America of fossil fuels would eliminate the medical industry that is totally reliant on the products made from petroleum derivatives, and eliminate oil-based fertilizers to grow the crops that feed the 8 billion on planet earth.
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Fossil fuels are a miracle, but don’t go trying to say that on YouTube.
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Amazon wants to launch another 4,538 satellites to provide wireless broadband internet under Project Kuiper, according to a fresh filing to America’s communications watchdog.
Written by Jo Nova
When we last looked at Indonesia their massive wave in Covid cases had just peaked after ivermectin was approved again on July 15th. Since then the cases have dropped from 50,000 a day to about 900. On a per capita basis today Indonesia is managing Covid about ten times better than Australia. Think about that.
Written by Joel S. Hirschhorn
This article defines a more effective public health strategy for the current COVID pandemic.
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As if the dystopian hell Australians are dealing with wasn’t bad enough already, residents of the country’s 2nd largest state are now at risk of losing the money in their bank accounts, their homes or other property, and even their driving privileges, if they do not pay their fines from breaking any of the tyrannical government’s draconian Covid rules in a timely manner.