Science is full of zeroes. Light has zero mass. Neutrons have zero charge. A mathematical point has zero length. Those zeroes might be unfamiliar, but they follow a consistent logic. All represent the absence of a certain quality: mass, electric charge, distance.
At Teotihuacan, near Mexico City, three giant pyramids rise above the ancient city’s main street, the Avenue of the Dead. The smallest of these is the Temple of the Feathered Serpent, which sits within La Ciudadela, or the Citadel, a massive sunken plaza with tall walls.
Technological advances are happening “at a warp speed,” United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said on Monday in Lisbon, Portugal, as a major three-day Web Summit got underway.
Dr. Pierre Kory is a world renowned critical care and pulmonary expert in treating Covid-19. He says nothing is being done to save people from dying long before they get bad enough to go to the hospital for treatment.
This astonishing article appeared in the Daily Mail yesterday, where Dan Hodges comments on the rank hypocrisy of those attending the upcoming COP26 climate summit.
Microplastics are found in the most remote places on land and in the ocean as well as in our food. Now severalstudies around the world have confirmed they are also present in the air we breathe.
Southwest Airlines’ CEO said the company will not fire employees who do not get the COVID-19 vaccine by Dec. 9 following a Biden administration mandate that was announced last month for federal contractors.
Climate change technocrats plan on using the same methods that convinced the public to obey the virus lockdowns to convince them they need to accept climate lockdowns to ‘save the planet’.
Researchers from the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) have developed a shape-shifting material that can take and hold any possible shape, paving the way for a new type of multifunctional material that could be used in a range of applications, from robotics and biotechnology to architecture.
A startup from Sweden has developed a personal flying vehicle that it says ‘anyone can fly’ called the Jetson One, and it is available for £66,000 ($92,000).
Human beings aren’t great at assessing risk. In 1979, psychologists Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky posited a new branch of behavioral economics, which they titled prospect theory.
The Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment onboard the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter has measured solar reflectance and mid-infrared radiance globally, over four diurnal cycles, at unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution.
Another 20 energy providers in the UK could go bust in what looks like a “massacre” in the coming months unless the government reviews the energy price cap, the chief executive of one of the largest providers said on Thursday.