A German doctor warns Corona vaccines are toxic…each booster become increasingly dangerous…which is tantamount to self-destruction
Doctor Warns Covid Jabs: “A Programmed Self-Destruction Of The Body”
Written by Pierre Gosselin
Written by Pierre Gosselin
A German doctor warns Corona vaccines are toxic…each booster become increasingly dangerous…which is tantamount to self-destruction
Written by gellerreport.com
Pfizer told the world 15 people who received the vaccine in its trial had died as of mid-March. Turns out the real number then was 21, compared to only 17 deaths in people who hadn’t been vaccinated.
Written by Lucie Wilk
As an NHS hospital doctor, I have had a front-row seat as the drama of the coronavirus pandemic has unfolded. It has been a year and a half of confusion, frustration and anger for me as I’ve watched our profession drawn into complicity with what I anticipate will be regarded as one of the most egregious public health disasters in history.
Written by cnn.com
A massive funnel-web spider with fangs capable of piercing human fingernails has been donated to an antivenom program in Australia, sparking an appeal for its anonymous donor to come forward.
Written by childrenshealthdefense.org
On CHD.TV’s “The Defender Show,” Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. interviewed Judy Wilyman, an Australian who spent 25 years researching and publishing scientific papers on mandatory and coercive vaccination, the ethics of childhood vaccination and changes in vaccine surveillance.
Written by Climate Change Dispatch
The Glasgow climate conference represents a strategic defeat for the West, and for Britain in particular. Boris Johnson unleashed everything he could muster. The royal family hosted receptions for multibillionaires. The Foreign Office sent climate envoys around the world.
Written by Joseph Postma
As we all know and have seen it a million times, how ambiguity and double-language cognitive dissonance is inserted right at the very beginning. The very foundation of Climate Science is that of cognitive dissonance…it is entirely predicated upon it.
Written by Climate Change Dispatch
If you have been following the news at all for the past several weeks, you know that the latest gigantic UN “climate” conference, going by the name COP (Conference of Parties) 26, has been taking place in Glasgow, Scotland.
Written by childrenshealthdefense.org
Professor Christopher Exley is a firm believer that science is only useful when it is properly communicated.
Written by theepochtimes.com
The Labor Department’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) says it has suspended the implementation and enforcement of the Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for private businesses.
Written by wearswar.com
Written by express.co.uk
A hand sanitiser used by many in the fight against COVID-19 was recalled after the US Food Drug Administration (FDA) found traces of cancer-causing impurities.
Written by zerohedge.com
Israel has recognized that the modern battlefield will not be entirely fought on air, sea, and space. To better prepare for new domains of warfare, Israel has developed a revolutionary weapon for electromagnetic warfare.
Written by kunstler.com
Why on earth would any American with a functioning brain believe what he /she /they is being told by the public health officialdom, the politicians, or the news media?
Written by Colin Todhunter
THe UK government’s Behavioural Insights Team helped to push the public towards accepting the COVID narrative, restrictions and lockdowns. It is now working on ‘nudging’ people towards further possible restrictions or at least big changes in their behaviour in the name of the ‘climate emergency’.
Written by The Brownstone Institute
Early in the pandemic, I had been furiously writing articles about lockdowns. My phone rang with a call from a man named Dr. Rajeev Venkayya (pictured). He is the head of a vaccine company but introduced himself as former head of pandemic policy for the Gates Foundation. Now I was listening.