On my other email list today I shared this CNN headline: “The Definition of ‘Fully Vaccinated’ Is Changing to Three Covid-19 Doses.”
90% vaxxed Ireland considers more restrictions
Written by Tom Woods
Written by Tom Woods
On my other email list today I shared this CNN headline: “The Definition of ‘Fully Vaccinated’ Is Changing to Three Covid-19 Doses.”
Written by David Brown
I’m no Catholic, but Archbishop Vigano hits the nail squarely on the head with his speech in the video below.
Written by americanthinker.com
Last week, Dr. Anthony Fauci made perhaps the most damning confession in the Covid vaccine saga.
Written by Climate Change Dispatch
As hosts of the Glasgow COP26 climate conference, UK leaders were models for the meeting’s steady stream of misinformation and fearmongering that came from the likes of Barack Obama and Greta Thunberg.
Written by Aaron Siri
The federal government shields Pfizer from liability. Gives it billions of dollars. Makes Americans take its product. But won’t let you see the data supporting its safety/efficacy. Who does the government work for?
Written by inverse.com
When Oliver Tschauner and colleagues dusted off a sample of volcano-ejected diamond found in a South African mine, they had no idea that they were holding the first-ever natural sample of a new high-pressure mineral from deep within the Earth.
Written by europerenaissance.com
The Police and the Army refuse to control the health passes in the name of ‘freedom and human dignity.’ They will join a large demonstration against compulsory confinement on November 20, 2021, in Vienna.
Written by The Brownstone Institute
During the past 18 months, masks have been mandated worldwide as a major tool to prevent the transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Sweden is one of the few countries that wisely did not introduce the wearing of masks in a broader sense.
Written by wired.co.uk
As John W Parsons’ interest in the occult developed, his colleague Malina approached the National Academy of Sciences for funding into “jet propulsion” as a means for developing more nimble aircraft.
Written by unlimitedhangout.com
Last year, a government commission called for the US to adopt an AI-driven mass surveillance system far beyond that used in any other country in order to ensure American hegemony in artificial intelligence. Now, many of the “obstacles” they had cited as preventing its implementation are rapidly being removed under the guise of combating the coronavirus crisis.
Written by Gary D. Barnett
“The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.” ~ Joseph Conrad, Under Western Eyes pt. 2, ch. 4 (1911)
Written by Pierre Gosselin
A German doctor warns Corona vaccines are toxic…each booster become increasingly dangerous…which is tantamount to self-destruction
Written by gellerreport.com
Pfizer told the world 15 people who received the vaccine in its trial had died as of mid-March. Turns out the real number then was 21, compared to only 17 deaths in people who hadn’t been vaccinated.
Written by Lucie Wilk
As an NHS hospital doctor, I have had a front-row seat as the drama of the coronavirus pandemic has unfolded. It has been a year and a half of confusion, frustration and anger for me as I’ve watched our profession drawn into complicity with what I anticipate will be regarded as one of the most egregious public health disasters in history.
Written by cnn.com
A massive funnel-web spider with fangs capable of piercing human fingernails has been donated to an antivenom program in Australia, sparking an appeal for its anonymous donor to come forward.
Written by childrenshealthdefense.org
On CHD.TV’s “The Defender Show,” Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. interviewed Judy Wilyman, an Australian who spent 25 years researching and publishing scientific papers on mandatory and coercive vaccination, the ethics of childhood vaccination and changes in vaccine surveillance.