A Tale of Catastrophes and Cover-Ups
COVID and the Global Financial Collapse
Written by Ed Dowd
Written by Ed Dowd
A Tale of Catastrophes and Cover-Ups
Written by resistthemainstream.org
Any US state that requires COVID-19 vaccination to attend school will face a lawsuit, lawyers said this week
Written by William A. Jacobson
You may recall that we have had multiple posts covering a lawsuit brought by Missouri and Louisiana, later joined by others, against the Biden administration and its top officials allegedly involved in colluding with Big Tech and social media giants to censor alleged Covid misinformation (much of which we now know was not misinformation at all, just inconvenient facts).
Written by Joel Smalley
As bad as the story is for the under 45s, it’s a whole lot worse for the under 25s.
Written by Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake
Jeremy Chardy, Novak Djokovic, and the prices they have paid during the ‘pandemic’.
Written by Joel Smalley
A subscriber asked me what I thought about Peter Hotez’s recent paper spuriously claiming that 40,000 Texans who died of/with COVID in 2021 and 2022 would have been saved if only they had taken the vaccine.
Written by Saeed A. Qureshi, Ph.D.
It is generally accepted now that the virus SARS-COV-2 has not been isolated. But unfortunately, virologists and medical experts still believe in it and make false claims.
Written by coreysdigs.com
The worldwide mRNA injection rollout has been an effective strategy for the globalists’ long-held depopulation agenda. Population growth has been spiraling downward for several years in America but reached historic lows during the peak of the Covid mRNA jab campaign.
Written by H. Sterling Burnett
A story on PBS News Hour claims ‘climate change’ is harming wine and spirits production. As usual, the official data shows the exact opposite.
Written by Bronwyn Howell
In her address to the United Nations General Assembly last month, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern issued a call to arms in the war against “mis and disinformation online.”
Written by Kennedy Hall
Geologist Gregory Wrightstone makes a massively compelling case that pretty much everything we have been told about so-called ‘climate change’ is the opposite of the truth.
Written by Dr Benny Peiser
Opposition and conservative rebel MPs have been accused of acting against the national interest by ringing the death knell for Britain’s shale gas prospects in the near to medium future.
Written by Joseph Vasquez
As predicted, the eco-crazies in the liberal media are trying to mesh climate change and the pandemic into one big fear-porn monstrosity.
Written by Francis Menton
Not being a dope, you likely realized a long time ago that it was going to take a lot of energy to manufacture the components of the future green energy utopia.
Written by Dr Benny Peiser
A new paper from the Global Warming Policy Foundation reveals how sober factual information in official climate reports is steadily distorted in moving from the original text (written by scientists) to the Summary for Policymakers (written by political hacks) to the official press releases (written by public relations officials) and then to the media coverage (written by journalists).
Written by Ralph Schoellhammer
EU ambassadors held their annual conference last week, and some surprisingly frank things were said for a meeting of diplomats.