Electrically stimulating the spinal cord instantly restores some ability to control the arm and hands in people who have had a stroke, US researchers say
Implant gives hand control nine years after stroke
Written by BBC
Written by BBC
Electrically stimulating the spinal cord instantly restores some ability to control the arm and hands in people who have had a stroke, US researchers say
Written by Stephen Stapczynski
A rush by China to sign new long-term liquefied natural gas deals promises to give the nation even more control over the global market at a time when competition for cargoes is booming
Written by John Leake
A documentary filmmaker recently asked me if I’d ever seen any images from the GULAG—the Soviet penal system that maintained a network of forced labor camps in the Arctic north and in eastern Siberia
Written by Frankie Stockes
The East Palestine disaster could criminally implicate Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, an Ohio attorney says
Written by Marianne Guenot
A record-breaking dinosaur footprint that was left some 166 million years ago by a meat-eating Megalosaurus has been found on the British coast
Written by Universe Today
The European Space Agency is working on a new mission that would act as an early warning system for dangerous, hard-to-see asteroids
Written by Dave Payette
We had an excellent turn-out at yesterday’s Campaign for Freedom in Oxford. The date was Saturday, February 18th.
Written by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World
There were recent rumblings that especially toxic batch lots were being delivered to Red States for obvious reasons. We may surmise that less lethal and even saline only batches were distributed in Blue cities, hence the disproportionate “case” numbers
Written by Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
The COVID-19 vaccination campaign was launched in late 2020 with no assurances on long-term safety and full liability protection to those involved with mass vaccination via the PREP Act and the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986
Written by Sanir
In 1907, the remains of a teenage boy who lived over 8,300 years ago were discovered in a Mesolithic cave located in Randaberg on the west coast of Norway
Written by Steve Kirsch
Today, they are doing nothing to investigate these safety issues. The AOPA is supporting the FAA. It’s time for action
Written by Igor Chudov
I am pleasantly surprised to see the mainstream German publication Die Welt openly asserting that clinical trials of the “Pfizer COVID vaccine” were rife with fraud.
Written by Steve Kirsch
Dr. James Thorp wrote a letter to the Exec Dir of ABOG about the issue and they ignored him entirely
Written by David Wojick
The first of the monster offshore wind arrays is ready to roll, with construction to begin in May
Written by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D.
Immunity acquired from past COVID-19 infection provides strong, lasting protection against severe outcomes from the illness at a level “as high if not higher” than that provided by mRNA vaccines, according to a study published Thursday in The Lancet
Written by Joel Smalley
In early 2022, international lawyer Dr Reiner Fuellmich (pictured) assembled (via Zoom) a large team of expert witnesses and lawyers to conduct what he called a Grand Jury court of public opinion Covid-19 Crimes Against Humanity model trial. This was totally hidden from the general public by the mainstream media